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Wind-powered art activity

Picture of Wind art e1715143247244 in the page Wind-powered art activity

God reveals God’s self in a strong wind in several places in the scriptures. Here’s a fun activity to help your community engage in ‘wondering questions’ as they explore why God revealed Godself in this way.

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Messy Church goes wild

Picture of Uluru in the page Messy Church goes wild

In the lead up to our “Science and Faith Converse” event this week, Sandy Brodine reflects on the critical importance of wrestling with issues of science and faith, and the central role of authentic dialogue with our First Peoples around issues of land and climate.

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Science and faith meet

Picture of Yg newsletter science photo in the page Science and faith meet

Sandy Brodine talks about developing the practice of ‘wondering questions’ and curating safe and inclusive spaces for people of all ages to wrestle and engage with the big questions of faith and of life.

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Staying safe and praying safe

Picture of Intergen newsletter digital prayer photo in the page Staying safe and praying safe

To meet for prayer and fellowship has always been a significant part of Christian community. Now that we are gathering online and through digital mediums it is important that we explore the nuances of prayer in the online space. A…

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Forty days and 40 prompts

Picture of Lent photo in the page Forty days and 40 prompts

Being able to digitally connect with our communities is not only helpful for communication, but also can be another way to engage our community in spiritual practices. Lent gives us an opportunity to take up a faith practice for 40…

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New year, new beginning

Picture of Kelly books two in the page New year, new beginning

This past year has seen Chris Phillips develop a new digital book club: Progressive Pages. Out of a desire to create ‘a space for people to dig deeper into Christianity’, Chris thought a book club could be a perfect way…

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What’s up with WhatsApp?

Picture of Whatsapp in the page What’s up with WhatsApp?

Staying connected with parents, leaders or just the church community has always been important. Navigating the world of online communication is still a daunting task, however, many communities are using WhatsApp as a simple way to build and connect community.…

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