People & Opinion
New Awe-stralia beckons
Ministry of the Word candidate Alisha Fung suggests there are a number of steps the Uniting Church can take to encourage people to return to the Church.
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Let’s give Graham a hand
Uniting Church lay preacher Graham Booth is doing a power of good as part of Longford's The Helping Hand in Tasmania.
Radio dial tuned to recognition
Presbytery of Gippsland Missional Support Resource Minister and Presbytery Secretary Debbie Bye's stellar contribution to Christian radio over many years has been recognised with a major award.
Joan cracked the code
Joan Carboon, who receives a government-funded home care package through Uniting AgeWell, has a fascinating story to tell about WWII.
New life for old church
At Sheffield in Tasmania, Leoni Reed sees first-hand evidence of the important role a church can play in the life of a vibrant community.
The church’s role in society
A book by US authors Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett had Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak reflecting on the church and its role in society.
School’s in for relationships
Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, is looking forward to forging strong connections with Uniting Church-associated schools in Victoria and Tasmania.
Update on Faithful Futures
In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham provides an update on the Faithful Futures Project.
On this day a King was born
The story of the birth of Jesus lies at the heart of Christianity. Uniting Church leaders explain what it is that makes the Son of God’s birth such a compelling and inspiring narrative.
Interim Pilgrim appointment
Rev Dr Philip Hughes will take on the role as Acting Head of College at Pilgrim Theological College on a part-time basis in 2025.
A way forward without hope
Embracing hopelessness is now the only way forward towards a more just world, argues theologian and academic Miguel De La Torre.
Faithful servant of Christ
Ivan Badcock’s 55-year contribution as a lay preacher throughout Tasmania was recognised recently by Westbury Uniting Church. Ivan reflects on what has been a wonderful and fulfilling journey of faith and community service.
Kylie Crabbe to lead college
Rev Associate Professor Kylie Crabbe has been appointed Head of College at Pilgrim Theological College, and will commence in the role in January 2026.
Home to a big heart
Tasmania’s current Senior Australian of the Year, Rev Jim Colville, started an organisation more than 50 years ago that provides housing assistance, and so much more, to young Tasmanians.
CRISP response changes lives
Uniting Church members from three regional areas of Victoria have opened their hearts to give refugees a shot at a new life in Australia.
Grace and the power of words
Nineteen words are the inspiration behind theologian, author and public speaker Grace Ji-Sun Kim’s efforts to dismantle injustice, in its many forms, around the world.
It’s game on for Bruce
Bruce Clark has led from the front as a tireless campaigner for people with a disability throughout Tasmania.
Food and social justice
Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak writes that it's time to take on food corporations over their lack of concern about the damage their products are doing.
The Joy of learning
Northcote Uniting Church member Joy Han has embraced the benefits of studying through Pilgrim Theological College.
Sisters forge a strong path
Hobart sisters Grace and Ayla Williams are leading the way in indigenous affairs as part of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.
It’s time for a treaty
In his Crosslight magazine column, Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak says that a treaty with our First Nations people will help to address past injustice.
Pilgrims’ journey pays off
A period of discernment and strong Presbytery support has seen a number of former Altona Meadows Laverton congregation members find a new home of worship in Yarraville.
Quiet achiever says farewell
Andy Calder headed into a well-deserved 'rewirement' recently, leaving an indelible mark on pastoral care education and disability advocacy within the Uniting Church.
God’s servant fits the Bill
Rev Bill Morgan recently celebrated a special milestone with family and friends, marking 80 years since his ordination.
Book nominated for award
Rev Dr Sally Douglas offers an excerpt from her book, 'Jesus Sophia: Returning to Woman Wisdom in the Bible, Practice and Prayer', which has been shortlisted for the Australian Christian Book of the Year.
Sounds like a fine achievement
Bruce Steele and his wonderful organ playing have been a part of North Balwyn Uniting Church for the past 40 years.
‘Just call me Ray’
Rev Ray Outhred turned 100 recently, has lived a wonderful and fulfilling life and continues to spread the word of God to everyone he meets.
Organ keys opened door
Edna McCormack loves what the small Hadspen Uniting Church congregation in Tasmania brings to the wider community.
Different paths on journey
The question of how do we respond to others in a society that is increasingly secular is examined by former Uniting Church Minister Dr Paul Tonson.
Focus is on new faces
The equipping Leadership for Mission unit recently welcomed Rev David Kim and Rev Sandy Brodine to the team. David and Sandy spoke to Crosslight about what they bring to their respective roles.
Mel’s mission statement
Whether it’s assisting congregations in how best to cope with natural disaster, or guiding people along the path to lay leadership, Mel Perkins is doing important work in her role within the equipping Leadership for Mission unit.
Hope and the hub
Uniting Church Ministers Alex Sangster and John Tansey, with a group of willing volunteers, are doing wonderful work helping some of St Kilda’s most vulnerable residents.
A week in the life of …
From administrative work to hosting aged care worship, and everything in between, a week in the life of Rev Michele Lees is always busy.
Blessed are the poor in spirit
During our most vulnerable moments, it is God's love that acknowledges our humanity, writes Emeritus Professor Bill Loader.
Game, set and match
Uniting Church Minister Will Nicholas and equipping Leadership for Mission team member Kelly Skilton share a love of gaming and the possibilities it opens up along the faith journey.
Life, love and laughter
Uniting AgeWell volunteer Tracy Barron has known difficult times, but a positive attitude has been a constant companion on her journey.
Christianity’s big questions
Rev Associate Professor Geoff Thompson from Pilgrim Theological College asks us to pause and consider some questions around what exactly is Christianity?
Lent and the purpose of mission
Ahead of the beginning of Lent on Wednesday, Rev Nigel Hanscamp invites us to consider how a sense of mission might be at the forefront of our thinking.
New take on old songs
Former Moderator Rod Horsfield's book 'Songs in Season' offers new words for some well-known songs of faith.
Reflections on Christmas
As Christmas Day nears and we reflect on what that means to us as Christians, some Uniting Church leaders have offered their perspective on what the birth of Jesus represents to them.
The present of presence
Tecoma Uniting Church member Diane Gow offers some heartfelt words about the importance of being with people in difficult times.
A week in the life of …
As a Senior Prison Chaplain, Rev Craig Madden's normal week is a busy one, as he offers chaplaincy support to prisoners around Melbourne.
Salesi set to step up
Moderator-elect Rev Salesi Faupula is passionate about multicultural ministry, a passion which will guide much of his work when he becomes Moderator from mid-2025.
Write stuff for academics
Pilgrim Theological College academics Rev Dr Sally Douglas and Rev Associate Professor Robyn Whitaker discuss their respective books published earlier this year.
History at her fingertips
Wesley Hobart Museum offers a wonderful slice of Tasmania's history, and co-ordinator Rev Karen Woolford is in the perfect place to appreciate it all.
Our faithful servant retires
Associate General Secretary Isabel Thomas Dobson, who will retire on September 30, reflects on a long and distinguished period of service with the Uniting Church in Tasmania and Victoria.
Strength from adversity
From a childhood spent in a Kenyan refugee camp to being honoured for outstanding humanitarian work as an adult, faith has been a constant companion on Dr Jacob Atem’s remarkable journey.
A week in the life of …
Rev Fiona Morrison, Resource Minister across the Cradle Coast Cluster in Tasmania, shares what makes up a busy week in the role.
Marion makes a difference
Manningham UC member Marion Bailes is strongly committed to helping refugees and asylum seekers make a home for themselves in their adopted country.
Power to the people
Uniting Church member Claire Harvey is backing the battle against climate change in her role with sustainable energy provider CoPower.
Spotlight on gender fluidity
Retired academic Ross Mouer poses some questions around the issues of sexuality and gender identification in the Bible.
A week in the life of a Minister
Wonthaggi and Inverloch Minister Rev Deacon Wendy Elson shared with Crosslight magazine what's involved in the busy week of a Uniting Church Minister.
Let’s talk about death
New Testament Professor Dr Greg Carey writes about that most perplexing of questions: what awaits us when we die?
When science meets faith
Rev Associate Professor Geoff Thompson replies to Rev Bob Thomas, who has suggested that resurrection is synonymous with new creation.
Nick Cave and the church
Attending a recent Nick Cave concert had Richmond Uniting Church Minister Sally Douglas contemplating the nature of religious experiences.
Ten days and counting
The Synod's Justice and International Mission cluster is driving a campaign to ensure NDIS patients receive the support and accommodation they need as quickly as possible.
Stephen pays it forward
Tasmanian UC member Stephen Ives is passing on the traits of empathy and selflessness in his work helping small-scale farmers in Vietnam.
Talkin’ about my generation
A new role for Murrumbeena UC's Kelly Skilton means she can continue to ensure young voices are heard within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania.
Taking the helm at eLM
Duncan Macleod brings a wealth of wisdom and life experience – good and tragically sad – to his new role as equipping Leadership for Mission’s executive officer.
Finding our voice again
Wesley Church Minister Alistair Macrae hopes to hear the Uniting Church's voice ring out loud and clear on important issues.
Recognition drives justice
Assembly President Sharon Hollis says engagement with First Nations people in exploring the history of their land offers the possibility of justice, healing and restoration.
On the side of the underdog
Heathmont Minister Brendan Byrne believes the fight against inequality in society is a cause that must be taken up by us all.
Let’s stick together
Sandy Boyce brings a wealth of experience gained in the Uniting Church to her role as Victorian Council of Churches executive officer.
Shore thing for tireless Beryl
George Town Uniting Church member Beryl Osborne is also the stalwart of Bell Bay's Seafarers Mission, on Tasmania's north-east coast.
Voice for the marginalised
Pilgrim Theological College Rev Associate Professor Monica Melanchthon has a strong commitment to those people who sometimes don't have a voice in society.
Advent invites serious reflection
As he awaits the birth of his own child, Moderator David Fotheringham reflects on Advent and how it calls us to take a look at the state of the world.
Vines grow with God’s care
“While different local contexts are at different points, we are all part of the one vine … (and) God is the ultimate vine-grower," writes Moderator David Fotheringham.
Tempest and the former PM
Uniting Church Minister John Bottomley says former Prime Minister Scott Morrison's decision to appoint himself to several ministries during the pandemic needs to be seen through the prism of his Pentecostal beliefs.
Abortion ruling hurts women
Rev Susan Malthouse has penned a thoughtful and thought-provoking article on abortion, in the wake of a recent US Supreme Court decision.
Treasures are called to arise
In his first Crosslight column as Moderator, David Fotheringham writes about the theme of "Arise, Come with me", which resonates with the idea of us being the beloved treasures that God finds, and calls to “arise”.
Meet the Moderator
Shortly after being installed as Moderator, David Fotheringham sat down to answer some questions for Crosslight magazine about his life so far and the journey ahead.
When did we begin?
The Uniting Church celebrated its 45th birthday recently and retired Minister Rev Dr John Evans poses a question or two about its birth.
Lighting the way
Recent renovations to the illuminated cross at St John's UC in Cowes have given Minister Ian Turnnidge much to ponder about the meaning of faith.
Program feeds real need
A Uniting Vic.Tas program in Ballarat is helping fill bellies and keep young people in the region like Tom connected to their community and loved ones.
Pentecost brings hope
As we move from Lent and Easter into Pentecost, we look with hope towards a season of growth, writes Moderator Denise Liersch.
Pride and prejudice
Indigenous theologian and activist Dr Anne Pattel-Gray has spent a lifetime advocating for a better world for our First Nations people.
The plague and the Easter faith
The book 'The Plague', by Albert Camus, provides much to ponder in our pandemic-weary world, writes retired UC Minister John Evans.
Listen deeply to Luke’s message
With Easter nearly upon us, Moderator Denise Liersch writes about how the story of Jesus' death and the glory of his resurrection continues to resonate so strongly with us.
Presence of mine pays off
One of the world's favourite video games is helping Banyule Network of Uniting Churches Minister Sandy Brodine drive a different form of online connection and worship.
Man for all seasons
Seasonal workers from Pacific Island countries who arrive in Tasmania to work are getting a helping hand thanks to the Synod's Community Connections Worker Taua Ritiata.
Reflections on blessing
"To be blessed, is to be filled with wonder at the love of God who is on the side of those who are poor, in trouble or who are grieving," writes Moderator Denise Liersch.
Reflections on Christmas
From North Essendon to the Solomon Islands, Uniting Church members take the opportunity to reflect on what Christmas means to them.
Aid to Z from John and Jenny
Melbourne couple John and Jenny Preston are celebrating 25 years of selfless service to Zambia's poor.
Minister all over the shops
A Melbourne shopping centre has become a 'mobile ministry' for Plenty Valley UC Minister Rev Dhirendra Narayan.
No bucks? No worries
How do you feed 300 people with just $300? Nobucks community meals service in Hobart shows how it can be done through the goodness of hearts like yours.
Vote of thanks for Jessie
The vital role a Tasmanian pioneer played in promoting the right of women to vote has been recognised, thanks to an extensive restoration project.
Rod’s role of honour
Retired Minister Rod Horsfield refuses to let the memory fade of those who drowned in the SIEV-X maritime disaster 20 years ago.
Novel approach to religion
Retired Uniting Church Minister Bob Faser has written a ripping murder-mystery novel which also poses a few interesting questions around the issue of faith.
Mery promises to serve
Evangelical Church of Timor's first female Moderator, Rev Mery Kolimon, is committed to leading a church helping transform every aspect of the society it serves.
Sharon takes up the challenge
As she takes her first steps in the role, new President Sharon Hollis says UCA must continue to engage with First Peoples and embrace its multicultural communities.
Church is home for Laurenne and family
Ballarat's Laurenne Robertson and her family share a special relationship with the city's Neil Street Uniting Church.
It’s time First Peoples’ voices were heard
As Australians celebrate their national day, two outstanding men are leading the fight to ensure Aboriginal voices are heard loud and clear.
Getting to know the Bethel Centre – Julie McDonald Q&A
Julie McDonald says seeking help doesn’t imply there is a flaw in a person’s faith. “Nobody’s relationship to their faith is perfect all the time. We all fall and we all have challenges.”
Double Take: Robyn Whitaker and Fran Barber
Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker and Rev Fran Barber have been friends for 25 years. In that time they have shared a lot of things – including a wedding dress. They now share a podcast to help resource people in ministry.
Heather Ackland retires after 36 years
Heather Ackland started her career juggling figures and ended it trying to figure out ways to help congregations with their missional work.
Double Take: Steven Bernaudo and Rev Ron Rosinsky
How do you reconcile God and guns? Serving Australian Defence Force reservists Steven Bernaudo, 33, and Rev Ron Rosinsky, 52, talk about being Christians in the military.
Double Take: Ian Brain and William Clark
Uniting Housing provides affordable accommodation to vulnerable people. We speak with outgoing CEO Ian Brain and grateful tenant, William Clark.
Double Take: Frank and Wendy Johnston
Manningham Uniting Church members and serial volunteers Frank and Wendy Johnston talk about giving back and living life to the full.
Double Take: Anne Warren and Alison Overeem
Kingston Uniting Church member Anne Warren and Leprena Centre Manager Alison Overeem talk about their friendship and walking together as First and Second Peoples.
Samuel Manhom: How I survived war, famine and crocodiles
Samuel Manhom spent his first 24 years surrounded by civil war. But the former Lost Boy has finally found a place to call home.
Joan Wright Howie’s SWell art of spiritual expression
If you’re religious you’re spiritual, but the reverse doesn’t necessarily apply. Joan Wright Howie is interested in the space that overlaps.
Laura Mazza: I won’t let depression defeat me
Depression can strike anyone, any time, anywhere – something Laura Mazza knows only too well. But this mother of three is determined to fight back.
Abuse survivor Holly Taylor’s long mental health struggle
Holly Taylor is a high-flying bio-medicine student with a brilliantly bright future but only a few years ago she was such a danger to herself that she couldn't shower without being watched.
Former TV reporter Jane Phelan takes it one step at a time
When Jane Phelan woke from a stroke she had lost the ability to walk or talk. But then she found God – again – and hasn’t looked back.
How Sally Goldner found the freedom to be herself
Imagine being born into the wrong body. Imagine spending 30 years not knowing who you really are. Only then can you start to understand Sally Goldner’s strength.
Pilgrim student Audrey Larsen back in class at age 97
Pilgrim student Audrey Larsen is proof that age is just a number. At 97 she's an audit student living out her mantra "while you’re alive, you’ve got to live”.
Rod Dungan joins pitched battle for the ‘Grey Ashes’
As Australia takes on England for the Ashes another, slightly older, group is also padding up with grey expectations.
Double Take: Salesi and Siotame Faupula
Like father, like son? For Doubletake we asked Canterbury Balwyn Road Uniting Church minister Rev Salesi Faupula and his son Siotame to talk about family, faith and finding yourself.
Coralie Ling enjoys her purple patch stage of life
Coralie Ling is the first woman to have been ordained a Methodist minister in Victoria. She recently made her theatre debut, starring in the Gasworks Theatre stage show Beachside Stories.
Julie Perrin’s kind of revelations in her new book Tender
Everyone has a story to tell. Or, in Julie Perrin’s case, lots of stories. And some of them are very close to home.
Meredith Lake’s award-winning soul focus on history
Historian and radio presenter Dr Meredith Lake explains why, to move ahead, it often doesn’t hurt to have a look behind.
Uniting Winter Appeal helps bring hope from the ashes
A fire robbed Felicity of her home, her health and her will to live. Five years on, she’s back on her feet and ‘in a really good place’ – literally and figuratively.
Idil Ali talks poetic justice at Sacrededge
Idil Ali knows the struggles of the silent minority. She sees it and lives it every day. It’s why she speaks for those who struggle to be heard.
Double Take: Joy Han and Jiny Lee
Joy Han and Jiny Lee talk about NYALC and worshipping at Cornerstone Ministry, a Korean Church in Melbourne.
Tim Matton Johnson – first and foremost
Rev Tim Matton Johnson has retired after more than 30 years of ordained ministry during which he played a prominent leadership role in helping the Uniting Church live out a Covenant relationship between First and Second Peoples.
Double Take: Will and Amanda Nicholas
Amanda and Will Nicholas are Uniting Church ministers. And they’ve also been married for 22 years – which is quite remarkable when you take into account Will’s fruit-testing technique.
Andrew McDonough: drawing from scripture
Children's author Andrew McDonough reflects on his career, a journey he embarked on nearly 30 years ago.
A matter of principal
Wesley College Principal Dr Helen Drennen reflects on her teaching career, as her time at the helm comes to an end.
Ray’s 60 years of spreading the gospel
Ray Averill OAM announces he is "hanging up his preaching boots" after more than 60 years as lay preacher.
Habit forming
Amna Iqbal shared how a Catholic nun helped form her Islamic faith at Ormond Uniting Church as part of Multi-faith October.
Changing course into a storm
When Rev Dr David Gushee called for full inclusion of LGBTI people in his book Changing Our Mind, the response from the mainstream evangelical community was brutally swift.