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In His Own Strange Way


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A Post-Christendom Sort-of Commentary on the Basis of Union

The Basis of Union of the Uniting Church in Australia was written more than forty years ago. Since then the world has changed a lot. In these small group studies, Geoff Thompson examines how we are to interpret the Basis of Union for today.

Geoff Thompson, In his own Strange Way: A Post-Christendom, Sort-of Commentary on the Basis of Union (Mediacom: Adelaide; 2020) The subtitle of this immensely helpful and enjoyable book goes a long to explaining its purpose. It is not a full blown commentary like some earlier books on the Basis but picks key issues and themes. And a major focus is how our history as a church and our current post-Christendom context interact with the Basis of Union. I loved the summaries at the end of each short chapter which speak of the “Post-Christendom Reality and the Post-Christendom Opportunity” that we face. I found these to be invitations to understand our call as found in the Basis of Union and an invitation to fulfil our mission. Engaging, thought-provoking and nourishing – well worth the investment of time to read (and reread).

Philip Gardner: Executive Officer Placements and Safe Church Synod of SA

In His Own Strange Way is a wise loving book that will guide the reader to ponder the wisdom of the Basis of Union not simply as an historic document but as guide for contemporary faith. Written with an economy words and accessible language it reflects Geoff’s deep convictions about the hope Jesus Christ is for the world and the particular way the Basis of Union invites us to ponder and live out of the life Christ’s strange way offers us. The beauty of this book is that it invites each reader into a conversation with contemporary society, the Basis of Union and Scripture. It is a conversation I have found enlivening, provoking and joyful. The book is an invitation to bring your wonderings, questions, doubt and faith and together seek wisdom from the Basis of Union. This book would make an excellent study guide for church councils, study groups home groups or whole congregations. Find a group, read the book and reflect together on how the Basis of Union might help shape and guide you and the Uniting Church today.

Sharon Hollis: President Elect, Assembly Uniting Church in Australia

Additional information

Weight 0.17 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1 cm