Moderator’s Emergency Response Fund
Not Set
Funding Goal -
Funds Raised -
Campaign Never Ends
Campaign End Method
Melbourne, Australia
The fund has been established in response to the identified need to be able to react quickly to support communities in times of major disasters, such as bushfires, floods, storms or other crises.
As always, Uniting Church communities and our Community Support Agencies have been swift to respond.
Where support services are available through Uniting, or indeed any other existing services, these agencies will continue to provide that support. However, what we heard from several communities was there were still a number of gaps in available support.
It is those gaps which the Moderator’s Emergency Response Fund is intended to fill.
The Moderator’s Emergency Response Fund may allocate funds to:
- provide for pastoral, ministry, and mission activities to assist in the Church’s responses to disasters and/or emergencies, resulting for example from, bushfires,floods, storms, or other crises; and/or;
- support relevant councils of the Church to undertake disaster preparation programs and/or processes; and/or
- partner with other organisations in disaster preparation programs and/or processes
The Moderator’s Emergency Response Fund will:
- be accessed primarily to support communities within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. Applications for financial allocations from the Fund shall be made by a Presbytery in which a disaster has occurred and/or a response to an emergency is considered appropriate;
- be accessed only when both the Moderator and General Secretary discern that any funds are required. Applications are to be addressed to the Moderator, and will normally occur after consultation between the Moderator, Presbytery representative(s), and where/if appropriate, relevant congregation leaders;
- be held separately to any other funds so that any unspent money, including interest earned, is readily available when required. The fund will be audited annually and reported to Synod governance committees. The Fund does not have DGR (Deductable Gift Recipient) status.
If you would like to contribute to the Moderator’s Emergency Response Fund, there are three ways to do this:
- Individuals can make contributions via credit card (see top of this page);
- Church Councils can make contributions via Direct Debit Payment banked as follows:
- BSB: 033157 Account No: 344136
- Account Name: Uniting Church Synod of Vic and Tas
- Reference: MS220 <Congregation> (eg MS220 Tonoroopna UC)
- Please advise when a direct deposit has been made to ensure payments can be identified and receipts issue.
- Congregations can collect contributions from members, complete a treasurer’s report and make a Direct Debit payment.