Home / Resources / Grants / Educational Grants & Scholarships / Kirk Robson Theology and the Arts Memorial Fund

Kirk Robson Theology and the Arts Memorial Fund

  • Please note: Only fully completed application forms will be considered.

    Please read accompanying guidelines before applying.

  • Personal Details

  • Outline academic question, publication opportunities, 500 words
  • Describe the primary art form/s you will engage in the project
  • Please submit a budget for the project
  • Please address the following selection criteria:

  • Describe the community with which the project will engage. Who will be involved and who is the intended audience? How might you engage participants in planning and managing the project? How will you engage culturally and linguistically diverse people in the community, or differently abled people?
  • Connecting community, church and Country will ideally engage local indigenous representation. How will you consult with elders and representatives and invite participation of indigenous people in the management and artistic elements of the project?
  • What need is this project responding to? How will the artwork or study have practical application for church and community? What plans do you have for public presentation of the work, or for publication?
  • Do your chosen art processes reflect the interests and preferences of the community? How will participation in art making respond to demonstrated needs of the community? How might artists be extended and challenged by engagement with the community?
  • Who else is involved in managing and supporting the project? Do you have offers of “in-kind” support? Please provide documentation as evidence.
  • In what ways will the project engage in theological reflection and a genuine conversation with Christian faith? Do the applicants and partners have a commitment to the ethos of the Uniting Church in Australia?
  • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the project? How will you gather feedback and present the community’s response?
  • Supporting documentation
    Please attach the following:

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Applications

    Kirk Robson Theology and the Arts Memorial Fund
    Grants and Scholarships Committee
    equipping Leadership for Mission
    29 College Crescent
    email: [email protected]

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