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Financial assistance

There are several grants and funding opportunities that are available at any time.  These include:

Emergency Grant (Capital Works)

Congregations may apply for up to $10,000 from the Capital Works Fund, to assist with urgent repairs or works that are not covered by insurance and the congregation is unable to fund fully itself. The application requires the congregation to demonstrate the need for the works and to provide information as to its financial position. Please note any building works will also require the separate approval of the building scope and costing.

Grants can be considered at any time of the year by completing a “Form 3C – Application for DAF/Emergency Grant”, assessed through presbytery and the Property Applications Review Team (PART)

For more information go to our Property page


Emergency Grant (Stipend Support)

Congregations may apply for up to $10,000 from the Sustentation Fund, to assist with the cost of stipend for a minister in placement for a short period of time, which the congregation is unable to cover themselves. This grant is to allow time for a presbytery consultation of Life and Witness of the congregation to determine its future and also ensure the minister is paid during this period. The application requires the congregation to provide information regarding its financial position and a cash flow for the period the grant is to cover.  Successful grants will be paid in monthly instalments for a nominated period up to 12 months.

Grants can be considered at any time of the year by completing a “Form 3C – Application for DAF/Emergency Grant”, assessed through presbytery and the Property Applications Review Team (PART)

For more information go to our Property page


Grant from the Disability Access Fund (DAF)

Congregations may apply for a grant to contribute up to 50 per cent of the cost of disability access works, such as accessible toilets and ramps, up to a maximum amount of $50,000. The application requires the congregation to provide details of the scope and cost of works, plus information detailing how the remainder of the project will be funded.  All proposed works are to comply with the Australian Standard (AS 1428.1) for disability access. Please note any building works will also require the separate approval of the building scope and costing. A concurrent Property Services ‘Form 3H Application to Build’ will need to be submitted.

Grants can be considered at any time of the year by completing a “Form 3C – Application for DAF/Emergency Grant”, assessed through presbytery and the Property Applications Review Team (PART)

For more information go to our Property page


Access to Property Sale Proceeds

Congregations may access proceeds from the sale of church property to assist with a range of projects, including:

  • Capital projects – including repair, refurbishment and redevelopment of existing property, plus buying new property.
  • Investment of proceeds into an Interest Only Mission Fund (IOMF), whereby the interest earned is distributed to support a specified and approved mission project.
  • Investment of proceeds into the Money for Mission Fund (MFMF), where by interest earned is distributed to support any need determined by the UCA entity.

Please note any building works or property purchase will also require the separate approval of the project scope and costing.

For more information go to our Property page


More information

Contact our grants coordinator, Natalie Brown, on (03) 9116 1960 or grants@victas.uca.org.au