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Working With Children Checks

Working With Children

The Uniting Church in Australia is committed to provide safe places where people are cared for, nurtured and sustained.

The Uniting Church commits itself to the care, protection and safety of all children relating with it or its agencies.

We seek to provide a safe environment for children to encounter God, develop relationships as part of a community, and to grow in faith.

Many volunteers, employees and ministers require a Working With Children Check or Working With Vulnerable People Check, because they either work with children or may come into contact with children in the workplace.

Working With Children Check (WWCC) – Victoria

In Victoria under the Working with Children Act 2005 (the Act) if you are doing child-related work and not exempt, you must have a WWC Check even if you have also had a National Criminal History Check completed. You may not continue working or volunteering if your WWCC Act has expired.

Apply here: https://service.vic.gov.au/services/working-with-children

Working with Vulnerable People – Tasmania

In Tasmania, under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 a registration card is required in order to engage in a regulated activity with children.

Apply here:  https://www.service.tas.gov.au/services/education-and-skills/working-with-vulnerable-people-including-children/apply-for-registration-to-work-with-vulnerable-people 

Safe Church Policies and Resources

For the most up to date policies and resources, visit the Safe Church web resources:  https://safechurch.ucavictas.org.au/policies-procedures/