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Synod Archives

Victorian Archives

The archives were established in 1977 to be a central repository for the historical records of the Synod, presbyteries and parishes of Victoria.

The collection dates back to the earliest years of the Colony of Victoria. Many topics of public interest and social relevance have been discussed in reports of church courts, periodicals and special commissions.

Historians of most disciplines, secondary, tertiary and post graduate students, genealogists and family history enthusiasts will find useful resources.


Our main collections

Wesleyan Methodist / Methodist

This collection includes manuscript and printed minutes of conferences, districts, circuits, missions, departments, commissions, series of correspondence, building files, plans and photographs. There are complete holdings of denominational journals, serials and newspapers for Victoria. A wide range of educational materials relates to ministerial training, Denominational Board Schools, Sunday Schools and youth work.

Minor Methodist Denominations, Congregational and Presbyterian

Comprising printed and manuscript minutes, parish records, financial and building records.


There are a variety of collections relating to the many denominational and parish organisations created for fellowship, missions, church-aid and moral welfare. Many of these were women’s groups located throughout Victoria.


Personal records are held for ministers of the Independent, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, including their appointments and stations.

Uniting Church

  • Parish and congregational histories, registers, minute books.
  • Paintings, prints and photographs.
  • Liturgical: Bibles, service books, hymnals.
  • Architects plans, specifications for churches, schools, halls and ministers residences.
  • Memorabilia and artefacts.

Artefacts – online images collection

This digital resource is used by dozens of other museums and archives across Victoria as a way of sharing photographs and contextual information.

To view the collection, simply click here.

The Victorian Archives Centre is at 54 Serrell St, Malvern East. It is open every Thursday (except holidays) from 9am-4pm. Fridays by arrangement only.

For bookings or to volunteer, phone 03 9964 4080 (Mon, Thurs, Fri only) or email [email protected]


Uniting Church Historical Society

The Uniting Church has an exceptionally rich heritage courtesy of its three legacy denominations (Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian) and life since 1977.

The society encourages the study of all aspects of church history, from its buildings and people to the story of its theology through the preservation of materials.

It publishes regular newsletters and its meetings feature guest speakers and church tours.

Membership is $45 ($35 concession) and includes subscription to newsletters and the Proceedings journal.

For more information, contact Ken Barelli (president) on 0418 317 942.


Wesley Hobart Museum

Housed in chapel and church buildings erected on the Melville St site in 1825 and 1840, the museum was established in 1927 as a memorial to the departed trustees who faithfully served their generation.

Today, the museum’s volunteer and professional staff conserves and interprets a remarkable Methodist heritage collection comprising tangible and intangible cultural elements received from the Wesleyan and Primitive Connexions. It also includes the catalogue and archive records of Australia’s first public library from 1825-1845.

By arrangement, museum staff are able to assist visitors with access to Tasmania’s Methodist Archive dating to 1820.

For more information or to book a visit or tour, phone 03 6231 4481 or email [email protected]

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