Uniting is our community services branch, providing more than 770 programs and services across the Synod.
It helps people experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction or mental health issues, supports people with disability, helps older people to maintain their independence, provides people with opportunities to access training and meaningful employment and supports asylum seekers.
Uniting works closely with other Uniting Church organisations active in the community, including local congregations, Parish Missions, Uniting AgeWell, Uniting Housing and UnitingCare Australia.
Uniting was formed in July 2017, combining 21 UnitingCare agencies, Wesley Mission Victoria and two Uniting Church business units.
2024 Share Grants Program
The Share Grants Program continues to provide financial assistance to parish missions, congregations and others who would have historically applied that enhances the quality and scope of their services to the community in Victoria and Tasmania.
The funding priorities remain to be for projects that meet at least one of the following purposes:
- Directly address urgent human need
- Are preventative in nature
- Tackle underlying structural causes of disadvantage
- Improve the quality of community services.
Applications close Friday, August 16
To view a copy of the guidelines or apply online, go to: https://www.unitingvictas.org.au/congregations/
For further information, call Uniting Vic.Tas Supporter Services on 1800 668 426 or email community@unitingvictas.org.au