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Vaccination and navigating the road ahead


As we begin to move towards churches reopening, Moderator Denise Liersch invites you to join her to explore critical questions such as:

What do we need to consider?
How does our faith shape our questions and decisions?

Guest speakers will bring biblical and theological insights to open up our conversation in discussion groups, and help resource our discernment.

This online forum is for Ministers, Church Council members, worship leaders and others, to help resource the decisions we are responsible for making. You are invited to bring your thoughts, experiences and wisdom.

To help her prepare, Denise would love to hear from you ahead of time with regard to questions such as: What is your reopening plan? What further questions or challenges do you have?

Email your responses to Denise via [email protected]



When: Tuesday, November 9, 2pm-4pm
Where: Zoom
Registrations close noon, Thursday November 4. Spaces are limited.


To register, click here


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