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Presbytery eLM Ministers

Every presbytery nominates one of its ministry team to be its eLM Minister. Presbytery eLM Ministers (PeM) work with the eLM ministry teams to ensure each presbytery is well resourced to meet its particular mission strategy. They inform the shape of ministry across the presbytery, Synod and eLM and facilitate more cross-presbytery work.

Meeting Together

We believe that meetings can be rewarding, enjoyable and worthwhile, whether the issues that we face together are large or small. The Meeting Together workbook will assist councils, committees and groups in the Uniting Church to work more collaboratively, to understand the role of their group and leadership in the wider life of the church, and to deal with poor behaviour in meetings.  It can help to build the capacity in our members to meet and work together well, to respect and listen to one another, and to value each person’s voice. It looks at the Scriptures and what we believe, the Basis of Union, the Manual for Meetings, and other resources. The booklet includes 14 short sections that can each be used to start discussion, plus resources for community building.   These resources are an invitation to pause from what we do, and to have conversations about why and how we meet.

Imago Vita – Images of life

“Imago Vita” is a set of Australian photographs selected for personal and group reflection. The set is diverse and may be used for a range of purposes – community-building, story telling, identifying needs, dealing with change, discussing choices, exploring hopes, revealing strengths. There are 86 images and an activity guide providing some suggested activities for group conversation. The photo file is a 78mb PDF. We recommend getting them printed on a colour laser printer/copier (such as Officeworks), then laminating them and cutting them to size. Copyright information in the group activity guide.

Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC) ToolKit

Pastoral relationships are an essential part of a Presbyteries work as they care for Ministry Agents, Faith Communities, and congregations in their regions. The Pastoral Relations Committee is the designated group giving skill, discernment and care to relationships and inter-personal processes which need special attention in a Presbytery. Situations range from pastoral conflict, Life & Witness conversations, JNC’s and suitability for placement. The PEMs have created this toolkit to assist the PRC and its members to deepen understanding of their role, to up-skill in critical areas, and to widen the framework for discernment in understanding situations and potential pathways to good outcomes.


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