CALD to share their voice
Culturally and linguistically diverse members of the Uniting Church are being urged to share their voices at Synod 2025 in August.
Church’s agents of change
As Macarthur Uniting Church members celebrate a special anniversary next month, they are proud to belong to a congregation that embraces different faith denominations.
Act now on Act2 Project
National Assembly General Secretary Andrew Johnson invites Uniting Church members to continue having a say in shaping the Church’s future through the Act2 Project.
Keeper of the faith
As Synod Archivist, Dr Jennifer Bars has access to a wealth of history relating to the Uniting Church and its predecessors.
Road trip raises awareness
The potential harm facing children in the digital age was on the agenda during a recent visit to Tasmania by Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak and Australian Federal Police officer Kate Fitzpatrick. Readers are advised this article discusses issues around online child sexual exploitation and sexual extortion.
A journey of love with Di
As Steve Wright continues to care for his wife Di, who has dementia, Uniting AgeWell is with him on every step of the heartbreaking journey.
New life for old church
At Sheffield in Tasmania, Leoni Reed sees first-hand evidence of the important role a church can play in the life of a vibrant community.
The church’s role in society
A book by US authors Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett had Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak reflecting on the church and its role in society.
School’s in for relationships
Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, is looking forward to forging strong connections with Uniting Church-associated schools in Victoria and Tasmania.
Exploring Theology in the UCA
Exploring Theology in the UCA has been created around the Worship and Preaching Competencies for Biblical studies from the “Assembly Standards and Competencies for the Formation and Education for the Specified Ministry of Lay Preacher”. So, those training for the ministry of Lay Preaching, and those needing to undertake training for the Worship and Preaching Competencies…
Agency and Empowerment – Leading at and beyond school
This event aims to foster critical thinking and nurture leadership, agency and empowerment in young leaders from Year 10 to 12. Join us to learn from industry leaders as they share their experiences and insights about ethical leadership. More details to come prior to the event! When: Thursday 13 March 2025, 9.00am to 3.00pm Where: Wesley…