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Mission Grants

Synod mission grants assist congregations and UCA entities to fund mission and ministry programs, and capital works projects. These grants come from a combination of bequests, specific purpose funds and general Synod funds (Mission and Service Giving and interest on investments).

Each approved program is carefully matched to funding sources according to specific parameters. Great care is taken to ensure the money adheres to the approved purpose and fund criteria. Any part of a grant which is not used for the approved purpose is returned for redistribution.

Grant programs are generally held annually, unless advised otherwise, and approved through the Mission Grants Executive committee.

Application forms and supporting material are available at the bottom of this page to assist UCA congregations, regional clusters and presbyteries in discussing relevant projects and funding applications.


Grants for Mission or Ministry Programs

Each year, grants may be offered to support specific ministry or mission programs. These are available for a period of up to five years, as nominated, to be paid in monthly instalments. The program is applicable to congregations, parish missions, regional clusters and presbyteries.

The grants are funding from the following sources:

  • Mission Grant Fund
  • Trusts, Bequests and Designated Funds

Normally, application forms are available each April. Completed applications are submitted via presbytery in June and to the Grants Coordinator in July.

A Grants Panel formed by the Mission Grants Executive will consider the proposals in August and September, and applicants will be advised of the outcome in October before the grant takes effect the following January.

For congregations and parish missions, please note applications must be reviewed and endorsed by the relevant presbytery before submission. It is recommended that applicants work closely with their presbytery from the early stages of the application so that the relevant Presbytery committee has a comprehensive understanding of the proposal. Presbyteries generally require applications be submitted in June to allow sufficient time for endorsement.

Successful applicants will be required to provide annual program evaluations to keep the Mission Grants Executive informed of the program’s progress and continuing viability, so that any learnings may be applied to future grant programs.  Evaluation reports are also required for compliance purposes for a number of funding Trusts and Bequests.

For this grant, complete either the following

  • Mission Grant Form (Ministry or Mission Program) – Mission Grant Fund
  • Mission Grant Form (Ministry or Mission Program) – Trusts and Bequests


Grants for Capital Works Programs

Each year, grants are offered to assist mission-focused building projects and are available for two years beginning the January after approval. Funds are drawn down as required to either pay the service provider directly or reimburse the UCA entity.  The program is applicable to congregations, parish missions, regional clusters and presbyteries.

The grants are funded from the following sources:

  • Capital Works Fund
  • Early Childhood Building Maintenance Relief Fund.

Normally, application forms are available each April. Completed applications are submitted via presbytery in June, and are due to the Grants Coordinator in July.

A Grants Panel formed by the Mission Grants Executive will consider the proposals in August and September, and applicants will be advised of the outcome in October before the grant takes effect the following January.

For congregations and parish missions, please note applications must be reviewed and endorsed by the relevant presbytery before submission. It is recommended that applicants work closely with their presbytery from the early stages of the application so that the relevant Presbytery committee has a comprehensive understanding of the proposal. Presbyteries generally require applications be submitted in June to allow sufficient time for endorsement.

It is also recommended that applicants work closely with Synod Property Services when developing the project scope and costings before applying. All projects require separate approval of the details of the building project by the Property and Operations Committee or its delegated authority, the Property Applications Review Team (PART).

For more information on the property approval process, go to our Property page.

Successful applicants will be required to provide annual program evaluations to keep the Mission Grants Executive informed of the program’s progress and continuing viability, so that any learnings may be applied to future grant programs.  Evaluation reports are also required for compliance purposes for a number of funding Trusts and Bequests.

All approved programs are carefully matched to funding sources according to specific parameters so it is imperative the grant adheres to the approved purpose and criteria.

For this grant, completed the Mission Grant Form (Capital Works)


Small Grants for Small Rural Congregations

Grants up to $5,000 are available to small rural congregations to build community, either as a congregation or in connecting with the wider district. The funds may be used to assist with the direct costs of mission programs or facilities, as agreed by the presbytery. In normal circumstances, the regular maintenance of property will not be given a high priority.

Eligible congregations are located in self-contained townships of populations up to 5000 people.  A self-contained community is one that is not part of a group of conjoined communities. A successful grant recipient cannot apply for a grant more than once in any three-year period.

Completed applications are submitted via presbytery to the Grants Coordinator by the nominated date. The proposals are considered by the Mission Grants Executive, and applicants will be advised of the outcome and payments distributed in November.

For this grant, complete the Small Rural Grant Form

Congregational Debt Relief Grant

Grants are available from the Congregational Debt Relief Fund, to assist a congregation with the repayment of loan debt held with U Ethical. Grant programs are held annually.

Completed applications are submitted via presbytery to the Grants Coordinator by the nominated date. The proposals are considered by the Mission Grants Executive, and applicants will be advised of the outcome and payments distributed in November.

For this grant, complete the Congregational Debt Relief Grant Form


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