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Treaty logo now available

As part of its commitment to walking together with Victoria’s First Peoples, the email signatures of Victorian-based staff of Synod Ministries and Operations now carry the ‘Friends of Treaty for Victoria’ logo.

This follows an earlier announcement by Moderator Rev David Fotheringham in his Pastoral Letter on Treaty that, with the support of the UAICC Victoria and Walking Together in Covenant Committee, the Synod Standing Committee has adopted a Statement of Support for a First Nations Treaty in Victoria.

The Synod has now been granted permission by the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria to use their official ‘Friends of Treaty for Victoria’ logo.

The logo reiterates the Synod’s vision of “following Christ, walking together as First and Second Peoples, seeking community, compassion and justice for all creation”.

The ‘Friends of Treaty for Victoria’ logo is also available to anyone else within the UCA (Victoria) to use on any of their official church-related material if they wish.

In his recent pastoral letter, David spoke of his hope “that the process of treaty-making will help to build community as it works to articulate our obligations to one another”.

“As we continue to journey together under God, I pray that the conversations and work that we do towards agreement-making will draw us together as a fellowship of reconciliation, and lead to the creation of a more just future in which … First Peoples’ voices are heard, rights are respected, and justice is realised for generations to come.”

The ‘Friends of Treaty for Victoria’ logo can be downloaded here, the logo with the words “following Christ, walking together as First and Second Peoples, seeking community, compassion and justice for all creation” can be downloaded here, and the First Peoples’ Assembly guidelines on how the logos can be used can be found here.


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