Child safety document an important resource
By Josh Tuhipa-Turner
Has your Church Council had a chat with you about the ‘Implementation of the Uniting Church Child Safe Policy: Guidelines for the Church Council’ yet?
It’s an absolute gem for Church Councils, but also incredibly helpful for anyone working with families in our Synod.
This practical guide breaks down the child safe principles into manageable chunks that won’t overwhelm your Church Council, as well as being a useful way for you to engage with them.
Each section includes thought-provoking questions, key actions, and space to document your congregation’s journey toward being truly a safe place for everyone.
What makes this resource brilliant is how it encourages genuine engagement with children and families.
It’s not about ticking boxes, it’s about creating spaces where children feel heard, valued and supported.
Whether your congregation has dozens of kids or just a handful, this guide helps implement child safety measures to your scale.
From recruitment processes to complaints procedures, from physical safety to online environments, it’s all covered.
The best part? After completing the review, your Church Council can proudly display a Statement of Commitment for all to see.
Grab this resource today and support your Church Council in making our churches the safest places they can be for our kids.
Josh Tuhipa-Turner is Safe Church Co-ordinator