Vision and Mission
In June 2016, the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania acknowledged the new and hopeful ways in which God is working. The Synod discerned a call for the Church to move in new and renewing ways to continue to participate in this work.
As a primary aid for faithful discernment and a focus for the Synod over the next three to five years, the Vision and Mission Principles were adopted. These statements help enable an intentional and coordinated focus on the mission of God.
Together, the Vision and Mission Principles represent the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of our life as God’s church. They point toward our identity and our purpose.
As a Church, we find our life in God’s mission in the world. This is true for the whole Church: our diverse gathered communities, our presbyteries, our synod based ministries and operations, our schools, agencies and institutions.
In some sense, this is nothing new. However, what is new is that our Church is called to give expression to our participation in God’s mission in our present day. The Uniting Church ‘stands in relation to contemporary societies in ways which will help it to understand its own nature and mission’ (Basis of Union). This is an ever new and renewing call to embody Christ’s mission in the changing and unique contexts in which the Spirit of Christ leads us.
The Vision and Mission Principles seek to invite discussion, provoke questions and provide focus for discerning the renewing work of the Spirit.
Following Christ,
walking together
as First and Second Peoples,
seeking community, compassion
and justice for all creation
God in Christ is at mission in the world and sends the Church in the Spirit to:
- share the Good News of Jesus Christ
- nurture followers of Christ in life-giving communities of reconciliation
- respond in compassion to human need
- live justly and seek justice for all
- care for creation
- listen to each generation and culture so as to live out the Gospel in fresh ways
- pursue God’s mission in partnership