Copyright Guidelines
Copyright Licensing Guidelines for Uniting Church Congregations
Copyright laws exist in order to protect the creators of works and content from unauthorised use and supports artists/authors who produce artistic works, and whose royalties provide their income. It is a legal issue and an ethical one which we urge congregations to treat as important.
It is recommended that each congregation appoints someone to look into issues of copyright in relation to your individual circumstances. The information below is designed to offer some guidance around the difficult issue of copyright for churches.
Copyright Licensing Guidelines for Uniting Church Congregations, can be printed up to assist you in ensuring you have complied with all your legal and ethical obligations. It outlines what is copyright protected; a list of licensing organisations; advice about which license is right for your church and some examples of situations regarding the playing of music, showing a movie or performing live, etc. and what you would need to do.
If you are still in doubt, the document provides contact details for assistance.