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Holy Habits focusses on ten practices that we see in the passages and invites us to reflect on how they can be lived more fruitfully both within gathered Church communities and wherever we live our day by day lives. The ten practices are: biblical teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer, sharing of resources, serving, eating together, gladness and generosity, worship and the making of more disciples.

Who is Andrew Roberts?
Andrew Roberts is a husband, father, minister, writer and speaker based in the West Midlands of England. He is the author of the book Holy Habits and editor of the Holy Habits resource booklets and daily bible reflections. His most recent publication is a collaboration with Lucy Moore entitled Holy Habits in Messy Church. Previously he was Director of Training for the UK Fresh Expressions agency. He loves all forms of sport especially cricket but promises not to go on about England’s triumph in the World Cup (well not too much).

“Grounded in practice and real-life stories and surrounded by theory, erudition and wide reading, this is the best book I’ve read on discipleship. The examples come from all round the world, from different sources, from fresh expressions and traditional Christians, from elderly people and young ones, women as well as men. I love the way the habits are every day, ordinary, do-able ones: this feels very godly”
Lucy Moore, the founder of Messy Church says this about the Holy Habits book.

Session details
Taster session
Friday 31st July 7-9pm
Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres, Parkville
$20 (incl refreshments)

Indepth Session
Saturday 1st August 10-4pm
Friday 31st July 7-9pm
Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Cres, Parkville
$80 (incl morning tea and lunch)
Tickets purchased for this session also includes the taster session on Friday 31st July.

For tickets, please visit https://holyhabitsmelbourne.eventbrite.com.au

**UPDATE: Due to the increasing seriousness of Covid-19 and to keep in line with the government’s social distancing measures, the decision has been made to cancel this event to ensure public safety.