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Stories of Childhood 2020           NOW ON-LINE!


More accessible than ever before, the annual Stories of Childhood gathering for is taking place via Zoom on Saturday October 10 from 3pm to 5pm. Join with other passionate Playgroup/Pre-school ministry leaders and volunteers from across the country for a time of learning, sharing and being encouraged.


Focusing on the needs of children and their families in the light of all things Covid-19, Dr. Vivienne Mountain – author of Building Emotional Health and Wellbeing: a pastoral ministry handbook – will help us reflect on appropriate pastoral responses.


Focusing on Playgroup/Pre-school being a missional expression in the light of all things Covid-19, Rev. Mat Harry – leader of the New Paradigm Project – will help us explore an appropriate model for missional engagement for 2020 and beyond.


Plenty of time in breakout groups will allow us to reflect on our own contexts, draw on the experience of others and encourage one another.

It’s FREE, but registration is required!

To register, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/stories-of-childhood-2020-tickets-94738438219

Dr Vivienne Mountain                                                          Rev. Mat Harry

Picture of Vivienne in the page Stories of Childhood 2020 Picture of Mat head shot in the page Stories of Childhood 2020