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Tongan worship in May

Picture of Fakame photo in the page Tongan worship in May

The month of May is important to Tongan communities. Watching the ways diaspora communities raise children in faith points to the vitality of keeping culture and language alive for all generations.

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Supporting gender-diverse young people

Picture of Trans flag in the page Supporting gender-diverse young people

Support for trans and gender-diverse young people is an increasingly common issue for congregations and faith communities, but one that many don’t feel confident with. Dr Chris Phillips has picked out some tips from working with trans and gender-diverse young people over the last few years that might be helpful.

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Wind-powered art activity

Picture of Wind art e1715143247244 in the page Wind-powered art activity

God reveals God’s self in a strong wind in several places in the scriptures. Here’s a fun activity to help your community engage in ‘wondering questions’ as they explore why God revealed Godself in this way.

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Messy Church goes wild

Picture of Uluru in the page Messy Church goes wild

In the lead up to our “Science and Faith Converse” event this week, Sandy Brodine reflects on the critical importance of wrestling with issues of science and faith, and the central role of authentic dialogue with our First Peoples around issues of land and climate.

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Moderator calls for healing

Picture of David at yoorrook two e1714625397963 in the page Moderator calls for healing

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham appeared at the Yoorrook Justice Commission yesterday, pledging the Uniting Church’s support for the truth telling process around injustices suffered by Victoria’s First Peoples.

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Focus is on new faces

Picture of Crosslight q and a david and sandy e1712022406510 in the page Focus is on new faces

The equipping Leadership for Mission unit recently welcomed Rev David Kim and Rev Sandy Brodine to the team. David and Sandy spoke to Crosslight about what they bring to their respective roles.

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Sunshine and shadows

Picture of Crosslight pauls story four e1711069356275 in the page Sunshine and shadows

In 2016 Paul Townsend died of a drug overdose after battling schizophrenia for nearly 20 years. His mother Mardie has written a book detailing a life of promise cut short by mental illness.

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