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Reflections on Christmas

Picture of Xmas two in the page Reflections on Christmas

As Christmas Day nears and we reflect on what that means to us as Christians, some Uniting Church leaders have offered their perspective on what the birth of Jesus represents to them.

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In touch with our past

Picture of Artefacts whales tooth in the page In touch with our past

Compile a history of the Uniting Church in artefacts was the brief given to archivist Christine Gordon earlier this year for a presentation to the Assembly Standing Committee.

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Trip down memory lane

Picture of Ordination 1973 in the page Trip down memory lane

In 1973, four years before the Uniting Church formed, a number of people were ordained as Methodist Ministers and, 50 years later, five of them share their journey since that momentous day.

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New year, new beginning

Picture of Kelly books two in the page New year, new beginning

This past year has seen Chris Phillips develop a new digital book club: Progressive Pages. Out of a desire to create ‘a space for people to dig deeper into Christianity’, Chris thought a book club could be a perfect way…

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