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The things that matter

Picture of The things that matter in the page The things that matter

“In a time of change and transition, the challenge is to establish priorities that don’t just reflect the changing times, but that take us deeper into what really counts; the ‘things that matter’.”

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Always on the Way

Picture of Always on the way in the page Always on the Way

“The work of education, whether in a church Bible study or a theological college classroom, is a tangible, visible, intentional, and institutional expression of the church’s commitment to its own journey.”

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Learning patience

Picture of Learning patience in the page Learning patience

“The story and teachings of Jesus reminded early Christians that it wasn’t their task to change the world. Instead they were to learn to trust the God, and to allow their lives to bear witness to the good news and alternative hope that Jesus proclaimed.”

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The grace of God

Picture of The grace of god in the page The grace of God

“Grace is one of those words that people commonly use but all too rarely reflect upon. It is, of course, a theological term, the significance of which is central to our understanding of Christian history and thought.”

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Unscrambling Jesus

Picture of Unscrambling jesus in the page Unscrambling Jesus

“Recent New Testament scholarship has shown us that it is about as difficult to separate out ‘authentic’ words of Jesus from ‘inauthentic’ words as it is to unscramble an omelette.”

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From temple to table

Picture of From temple to table in the page From temple to table

“For the sake of God, ourselves and the world, we need to learn what it means to reorientate the life of the church away from temple, altar, sacrifice and priests and around the home, table, meal and friends.”

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The True Revolution

Picture of The true revolution in the page The True Revolution

“The revolutionary potential does not only lie in the bare facts of what Jesus did and said, or how Jesus died. It also lies in the interpretation given to these events.”

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