Bradon French is the Youth Ministry Coordinator within the Intergenerational team. He is a passionate advocate for young people and enjoys challenging the status quo.

Picture of Sarah noltner nnlmfq4p1hm unsplash scaled in the page How can youth ministry spark joy?

How can youth ministry spark joy?

By Bradon French / August 11, 2020

“If our ministries with young people embrace the opportunities joy presents, it must be reflected within the life of our wider church.”

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Picture of Ben white emzxdosijj4 unsplash scaled e1585529478191 in the page Dear parents, I'm sorry

Dear parents, I’m sorry

By Bradon French / March 30, 2020

Intergenerational Ministry Coordinator Bradon French reflects on how church youth groups have failed to help parents form faith in their teenagers and children.

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Picture of Adults black and white casual 1374542 scaled in the page International Youth Day and unleashing unlimited potential

International Youth Day and unleashing unlimited potential

By Bradon French / August 12, 2019

“I hope that we might honour International Youth Day by acknowledging the place and potential of young people around the world and around the corner.”

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Picture of William iven 19844 unsplash scaled in the page How has digital media affected youth ministry?

How has digital media affected youth ministry?

By Bradon French / May 28, 2019

“Before social media, teenagers occasionally surrendered their phones during youth group. Today, a social media marketing strategy seems fundamental to developing and sustaining community.”

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Picture of Backlit bright dawn 697243 scaled in the page How can we empower young leaders in our church?

How can we empower young leaders in our church?

By Bradon French / March 29, 2019

“There is a gap between what we say and how we act. Empowering young leaders is a catchphrase we all use, yet when the opportunity presents, we are paralysed by our inherited understanding of leadership.”

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Picture of Emma gordon james harry 1 scaled in the page Why youth work is like couples' counselling

Why youth work is like couples’ counselling

By Bradon French / February 8, 2019

“Most of our young people express a disconnect between the internal workings of our church and our calling to worship, witness and serve. We must be willing to lay down parts of our inheritance to create space for new futures.”

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