Picture of Toni reed 6crjrlzkpr0 unsplash in the page Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020: Statement from the Moderator

Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020: Statement from the Moderator

By Andrew Humphries / December 14, 2020

Moderator Denise Liersch says “the Uniting Church supports the intention of the legislation to protect vulnerable people from the harm of coercive practices”.

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Picture of Max beck c72ecrostc4 unsplash scaled e1606958074128 in the page Carol touches on the hope of Christmas

Carol touches on the hope of Christmas

By Denise Liersch / December 7, 2020

“In Advent, we hear the cries of the prophets, and are invited to join in their hopes for a world restored,” Denise Liersch says.

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Picture of Fezbot2000 57k5vcagqee unsplash in the page Hiroshima memorial reminds us to work for peace

Hiroshima memorial reminds us to work for peace

By Denise Liersch / August 6, 2020

Anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing is a time to remember that aggression met by aggression, and violence met by violence leads only to suffering.

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Picture of Modcovid in the page Why going back 'to normal' isn't good enough

Why going back ‘to normal’ isn’t good enough

By Denise Liersch / June 5, 2020

This is a time of invitation, to be caught up into the deep desire of God for a world of mercy, justice and peace, writes Moderator Denise Liersch.

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Picture of Joshua reddekopp qlfjkfbpppm unsplash scaled in the page Jesus as a newborn baby opens us up to God's love

Jesus as a newborn baby opens us up to God’s love

By Denise Liersch / December 6, 2019

“In the face of a tiny innocent child in need of love and protection, our own disagreements, grudges, harboured hurts and disappointments can seem petty.”

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Picture of Daniel sessler jmhjlxhhrxa unsplash scaled in the page Why we must look after our environment

Why we must look after our environment

By Denise Liersch / October 7, 2019

“We’re all interconnected. Even small changes can have big effects on other parts of the ecosystem. Tiny things can play an important role in keeping the system healthy.”

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