Sharon Hollis is Synod moderator. She is deeply committed to social justice, reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples and the elimination of domestic violence.

Picture of Christianity cross dawn 70847 scaled in the page Easter’s story demands we lend a helping hand

Easter’s story demands we lend a helping hand

By Sharon Hollis / April 2, 2019

“We need to raise our voices in protest, to speak out about abuse, work against systems that entrench unjust power and vote for justice and fairness … we need to show up in love for those in need of it.”

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Picture of Looking to jesus with a sense of advent ure in the page Looking to Jesus with a sense of Advent-ure

Looking to Jesus with a sense of Advent-ure

By Sharon Hollis / December 3, 2018

“As I turn my mind to Advent conscious of despair about events in our city, aware of the hurt many are feeling and continuing to live with my own grief, I turn in hope towards God whose coming brings a word of judgment against the prevailing powers that is, in fact, a word of love.”

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Picture of Acts of renewal and hope in the page Acts of renewal and hope

Acts of renewal and hope

By Sharon Hollis / October 18, 2018

“I’ve stopped and smelt the roses, literally, and given thanks for those who planted them and those who tend them in the hope that beauty will blossom each spring… I am invited to look out for signs of life and growth and reminded of the way the Spirit of Jesus brings life when we should not expect it.”

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Picture of Please dont tell me how i feel in the page Please don’t tell me how I feel

Please don’t tell me how I feel

By Sharon Hollis / October 7, 2018

“My beloved partner Michael died by suicide almost five years ago, the result of a major depressive episode. As someone who lives with the grief of having a loved one die by suicide here are some things I want people to know about how it is for me.”

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Picture of Love letter in the page Love letter

Love letter

By Sharon Hollis / August 19, 2018

“Love means we act with humility and goodwill towards each other – especially in hard times. When I am transformed in wisdom and love through the gift of the Spirit I am part of the transformation of all things.”

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Picture of Lessons in assembly in the page Lessons in Assembly

Lessons in Assembly

By Sharon Hollis / July 14, 2018

“I was impressed by the contribution of the young adult members of the Assembly. They modelled the Christian community as a place of love, nurture, welcome and growth in faith, even in the face of diverse opinions.”

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Picture of Meeting expectations in the page Meeting expectations

Meeting expectations

By Sharon Hollis / July 1, 2018

“We know God through the decisions we make, how we make them and what they lead to. Our discipleship is not an abstract concept, it is real actions and ways of being in the world.”

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Picture of The spirits call in the page The Spirit’s call

The Spirit’s call

By Sharon Hollis / April 18, 2018

“Discerning the movement of the Spirit is a communal task; it is to be done by the body of Christ. I invite you to discern as communities of faith where you see God’s wild Spirit is calling you and to heed that call.”

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Picture of Three blessings in the page Three blessings

Three blessings

By Sharon Hollis / March 16, 2018

“We do nothing to earn this love, it is a gift of grace. Nothing can happen that separates us from God’s love no matter how hard or long the wilderness. Nothing can take away the blessing of being beloved.”

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Picture of The nature of god in the page The nature of God

The nature of God

By Sharon Hollis / October 23, 2017

“What does it mean that I believe in a living, compassionate God who cares deeply about creation and all who inhabit the earth? How am I to be a follower of Christ in the face of such suffering? What am I to do?”

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