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‘The End of Youth Ministry?’ Book Club

Theology & Youth Ministry guru Andrew Root has released ‘The End of Youth Ministry’ and we think it’s a cracker.

To explore this text and how we might respond, we’re opening TWO book club meetings. COFFEE will focus on implications for professional practice, aimed at pastors and ministers. WINE will have a broader focus on youth ministry programs and initiatives. Both are open to anyone. Registration is essential, as you’ll need access details for book club meetings. We anticipate each book club meeting lasting an hour. Pending interest, both meetings will likely be limited to 10-12 people.

  • COFFEE edition – Thursday mornings, 9:30am, commencing May 14 (focus on professional practice) – closed to new members at this stage
  • WINE edition – Monday evenings, 8:30pm, commencing May 18 (focus on broader implications)

Each week we will cover THREE chapters of the book. Book club will run for 6 weeks.

Register by emailing Bradon (indicating which club you’d like to join) – bradon.french(at)victas.uca.org.au

We anticipate you will read the book in preparation for each week. You can purchase it as a paperback ($31) or for Kindle ($21.50)

Praise for Andy’s book:

“After half a century of advice books on the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of youth ministry, Root is the first practical theologian to seriously tackle the ‘why.’ Using a Kierkegaardian fable as his foil, Root explores deficient ways we justify youth ministry, and then dives headlong into joy as the reason it matters. This is his most important youth ministry book to date.”
Kenda Creasy Dean, Princeton Theological Seminary; author of Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers Is Telling the American Church and coauthor of Delighted: What Teenagers Are Teaching the Church about Joy

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