CALD Young Leaders Retreat
Feast of Faith is a 2nd Gen CALD Young Leaders Retreat happening from September 20-22.
This retreat is a weekend where we will focus on enriching, equipping and empowering our CALD young leaders.
It is important we as a Church invest and provide wisdom, knowledge and guidance to our 2nd Gen CALD Leaders.
The majority of our CALD young leaders have no training before being put into leadership roles.
We are given the mentality of you’re either going to sink or swim.
Not all of us make it out of the sinking stage and end up being burnt and hurt, then eventually leaving the Church.
We as a Church need to help guide and encourage our young CALD leaders, not only for the future but for now.
Behind every great leader is an even greater village supporting and empowering them.
The Church needs to be that village that steps up and helps every young person be the best Christian they could possibly be.
Find more information on Feast of Faith here