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Sunshine and shadows

Picture of Crosslight pauls story four e1711069356275 in the page Sunshine and shadows

In 2016 Paul Townsend died of a drug overdose after battling schizophrenia for nearly 20 years. His mother Mardie has written a book detailing a life of promise cut short by mental illness.

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In touch with our past

Picture of Artefacts whales tooth in the page In touch with our past

Compile a history of the Uniting Church in artefacts was the brief given to archivist Christine Gordon earlier this year for a presentation to the Assembly Standing Committee.

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Trip down memory lane

Picture of Ordination 1973 in the page Trip down memory lane

In 1973, four years before the Uniting Church formed, a number of people were ordained as Methodist Ministers and, 50 years later, five of them share their journey since that momentous day.

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