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Committee Expression of Interest

The Synod of VicTas, including our various Agencies, has numerous Governance Committees made up of passionate Uniting Church members who bring their own unique set of skills, experience and gifts to the committees on which they serve.

The purpose of these committees is to ensure that the work of the Church is undertaken within all regulatory and strategic frameworks, and to provide guidance, direction and inspiration.

Agency boards and committees are also comprised of people from the wider community who share the Uniting Church’s values.

Below you will find a list of just some of our committees. To read more about any or all of these, simply click on the committee which interests you.

Having read about our committees, if you feel called to express an interest in serving as a committee member, simply complete the Expression of Interest form at the bottom of this page.

The Bethel Centre’s professional counselling, pastoral care and education service offers quality care and support for congregations, individuals, and families within or connected to the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. We support reconciliation and healing for hurt experienced as a consequence of church life.

We are seeking Council Members whose gifts and skills include: having a passion for Pastoral Care and support of those who suffer in the life of the church, a maturity of character and ability to function well within the meetings of the council, an experience with a CALD or a Youth perspective, a good working knowledge of some parts of the Uniting Church, and who can be effective advocates for Bethel in the wider life of the church.

Additionally those with skills in Counselling and Psychology or PR and Marketing would be gratefully welcomed! 

The Finance Committee exercises governance responsibility in internal financial management reporting, investment strategy, review of various business cases and oversight of the financial sustainability of the Synod.

Finance Committee meets monthly on Tuesdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.  It seeks members with broad commercial skills and an understanding and commitment to the Uniting Church.  Finance Committee would benefit from greater age, ethnic and gender diversity.

The Church seeks a range of members of all ages and backgrounds who reflect the diversity and gifts of the Church to be part of the Mission and Ministry Committee.

The core purpose of the Committee is to ensure the activities of Synod based ministries and operations remain focussed on the agreed missional directions. The Committee is made up of a diverse group of people who desire conversation, reflection and action on current and emerging mission and ministry across the life of the church. The Ministry and Mission Committee provides the important oversight role of the Synod based ministries and operations and the strategic directions adopted by the Synod meeting.

The Committee consists of ten members appointed for three years and it meets at least nine times a year on the third Wednesday evening of each month.

The Property & Operations Committee (P&O) exercises governance responsibility for areas such as finance, insurance & risk, property and legal matters.  It encourages and promotes the financial sustainability of the Synod and is supported by the Finance Committee and the Audit & Risk Management Committee.  P&O also provides policy and other advice as required and it reports to the Synod Standing Committee.

P&O meets monthly on Thursdays from 5pm to 9pm with occasional additional meetings.  It seeks members with broad commercial skills and an understanding and commitment to the Uniting Church.  P&O would benefit from greater age, ethnic and gender diversity.

The Synod Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) is a specialist committee formed to support the governance functions of Synod. As a subcommittee of the Property and Operations Committee, the ARC provides an independent view of risk, control and compliance framework, financial controls and external financial accountability.

These governance functions are managed through the development and monitoring of the Risk Management Framework and the Internal Audit work plan. In addition, the ARC considers the appointment of the External Auditor, reviews the Synod financial statements and provides advice to the Property and Operations Committee.

The skills that ARC looks for are a demonstrated expertise in risk management and audit, preferably with appropriate qualifications.  In addition, the committee is seeking a broader gender and cultural diversity.

The Synod Meeting Planning Committee, established at Synod 2022, is comprised of key Synod leaders including the Moderator or Moderator-Elect, General Secretary, Associate General Secretary, plus UAICC member or nominee, and up to 8 members appointed by Standing Committee to include a diversity of Church members with the presence of minority voices. 

Its purpose is to plan and arrange the theme, venue, community life and timetabling of future meetings of the Synod, giving priority to broad engagement with the membership of the Church, through the implementation of interactive, engaging and creative strategies and processes. 

If you would like to be considered for one of the eight members appointed by Synod Standing Committee, please complete an Expression of Interest using the form below. 

This Committee advises and recommends to the Synod or its Standing Committee the level of stipends, allowances and other aspects of remuneration and long service leave for ordained ministers and lay people who are in approved placement. This includes the development of policy and the provision of advice consulting, as necessary, with presbyteries, congregation/s, Uniting Church committees and bodies and other Church and Ecumenical bodies.

The Committee has a mixture of ministers and lay people. It needs members with experience in industrial relations, human resource management, public advocacy, the resource challenges of congregations, agencies and other church bodies and the material challenges of being a minister.

Some of the issues the committee deals with are complex. An ability to read complicated and detailed reports and understand issues from both a theological and practical viewpoint is an advantage. Many decisions are made upon balance, weighing carefully the data and information available and the implications for the whole Church.

Each year there are four regular meetings on a Thursday morning between 10:00am and 12:30pm via videoconference.

Are you interested in ministerial education and passionate about leadership development in our Church? If your answer is positive, then the Theological and Ministerial Education Committee (TMEC) is a committee that you might consider joining.

The TMEC functions as the Ministerial Education Board (MEB) of the VicTas Synod, in its accountability to the Assembly. It provides governance to Pilgrim Theological College and the Leadership Development cluster under the Education and Formation of Leadership stream within equipping Leadership for Mission (eLM). The Committee meets every second month, commencing each year with a governance orientation and strategic planning session.

As a Committee member, you would participate in providing oversight of ministerial formation of our candidates, leadership development amongst our lay leaders, and professional development of our ordained ministers. Your contribution would also assist in fulfilling the governance responsibilities required to maintain the collegiate status of Pilgrim within the University of Divinity, ensuring that Pilgrim remains aligned with the requirements mandated by the University.

Should you have any queries or an expression of interest, please email Catherine Xenos Catherine.Xenos@victas.uca.org.au

U Ethical is an investment manager with a difference. We believe in creating a better world by investing with purpose—today and into the future.  Our first funds were established in 1985 and over recent years we have grown steadily to become one of the largest ethical investment managers in Australia with over $1 billion under management.

U Ethical is an autonomous social enterprise of the Uniting Church and a public company limited by guarantee with an independent skills-based board.  Its governance structure includes three board committees: investment; audit, risk and compliance; and people and nominations.

U Ethical operates in a highly regulated environment.  It holds an Australian financial services licence and is regulated primarily by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

From time-to-time, U Ethical seeks to fill roles on its board or committees with suitably qualified and skilled individuals.  Please note that pre-requisites include completion of the Australian Company Directors Course or similar.  As and when openings arise, they will be advertised in Synod’s e-news.

Uniting Vic.Tas is the community services organisation of the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania. For over 100 years, we have helped individuals, families and communities thrive, with services that build independence, confidence and capability. We deliver a broad range of services in the areas of aged and carer supports, alcohol and other drugs, child, youth and families, crisis and homelessness, disability, early learning, employment and mental health.

The Uniting Board is responsible for ensuring effective governance of the organisation and to set and monitor the strategic direction of the organisation.

Should a vacancy arise on either the board or board subcommittees we are seeking individuals with the following skills and experience:

  • Experience as a Director or in a governance role
  • Demonstrated commitment to the community services mission of the Uniting Church in Australia
  • Experience in areas such as governance, community services (including disability, mental health or family services), finance, risk management, marketing, media, fundraising, theology and ethics
  • Demonstrated skills in leadership and governance, commercial acumen and change management skills
  • Experience in empowering leadership teams through the review, approval and monitoring of strategic plans and the annual budget

Our purpose: To inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice
Our values: We are imaginative, respectful, compassionate and bold

The Victorian Council of Churches gathers together Churches and Christian communities across the State of Victoria which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures. They are committed to deepen their relationship with each other and to work together towards the fulfilment of common witness, proclamation and service, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania is allocated 12 representatives who participate in this commitment. Members who are committed to furthering the ecumenical endeavour are invited to join in rolling 3 year terms.

More information is available from the website Victorian Council of Churches or the Secretary, Rev Sandy Boyce, sandy.boyce@vcc.org.au.


  • Are you currently a member of a Uniting Church Congregation/Faith Community?
  • Are you currently, or have you ever been, a member of any Uniting Church Committee(s)?
  • In which committee are you expressing interest joining?
  • Note: You may express interest in more than one committee, but need to complete separate expressions of interest for each.
  • Have you read the information provided about this committee?
  • What aspects of this committee are of particular interest to you?
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  • What particular strengths/background/gifts do you believe you would bring to this committee?
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