Associated Schools
There are a number of independent schools throughout Victoria and Tasmania that are associated with the Uniting Church, usually as a result of the schools being founded by members of the Uniting Church or its predecessor denominations. While the Uniting Church Synod does not operate or govern these schools, the Synod works with the schools to encourage them to be places where young people might encounter spiritual growth, service to humanity and the wider environment, social justice and inclusiveness/openness that celebrates difference.
The document Characteristics of the Uniting Church in Australia: A Conversational Resource for Associated Schools and the Wider Uniting Church is one of the resources used to assist the Synod and schools explore and understand areas of common interest, intent and action. Here is a graphic that summarizes the characteristics on a page.
There are 12 schools that are directly associated with the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania (links to these school’s websites can be found below) and a number of others that have other forms of association, such as ecumenical association in collaboration with other Christian denominations.