A unique Continuing Education opportunity from Pilgrim Theological College at the NGV:
Art of Belief
AR/CH 211oP-31, 10P-9110P
Katherine Massam and Howard Wallace
(Classes Thursdays 1- 5pm on May 2, 9, 16, 23, Sept 5, 12 & Oct 17)
Do you use art as a way of engaging your community/congregation in liturgy or preaching and teaching? Or would you like to use art more readily to enhance your church’s life and witness, but are not confident in how to do this?  Art is a powerful medium through which to understand both our surrounding culture and the faith of the church, and how those aspects relate to each other. In this unit you will gain greater understanding of the impact European and Aboriginal traditions of art have had on Australian Christianity. You will develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the representation of selected key aspects of Christian belief, by drawing specifically on the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria – in dialogue with other images.   The majority of class time will be at the Gallery itself.
Consider enrolling (as full credit or audit) with a few colleagues, and then forming a Peer Learning Group afterwards focussing on developing your use of art in ministering with your congregation/community. There are Continuing Education grants to assist with both auditing costs, and to support a Peer Learning Group.
For further information, contact Rev Fran Barber, Continuing Education Coordinator, [email protected]