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Professor Emeritus, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and African Biblical Hermeneutics in the School of Religion, Philosophy, and Classics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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‘Contextual Bible Study’ is a particular form of liberatory social praxis developed in South Africa over 30 years. This workshop will begin with an actual experience of a Contextual Bible Study. From within this experience we will then reflect on the methodological components of Contextual Bible Study.


When: Friday 5 August, 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Where: Yagilaith, Centre for Theology and Ministry, 29 College Crescent Parville VIC 3052

Cost: Free


To register, click here

Registrations close Monday 1 August


Contact: Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon – [email protected]


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