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You are invited to the service of worship and celebration to mark a number of inductions and commissioning of new members of the eLM team.


The service will be for the induction of:

  • Rev Duncan Macleod as Executive Officer, equipping Leadership for Mission
  • Rev Lauren Mosso as Chaplaincy Coordinator


And the commissioning of:

  • Kelly Skilton into Younger Generations – Digital and New Communities
  • Julie Perrin as Royal Melbourne Hospital Chaplain
  • Siobhan O’Shaughnessy as Prison Chaplain (Loddon Prison Precinct, Tarrengower Prison and the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre)


Date: Tuesday 7th March 2023

Time: 4:30pm (followed by refreshments at approximately 5:30pm)

Location: In person, Yuma Auditorium at The Centre for Theology and Ministry (Parkville) and online via Zoom


To register, click here

*In person registrations close strictly on Monday 27th February, online registrations close Monday 6th March. Online attendees will receive Zoom details via email on the morning of the event.


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