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Launching Engage All Generations: a strategic toolkit for creating intergenerational faith communities by Cory Seibel – you’re invited!


Engage All Generations: a strategic toolkit for creating intergenerational faith communities is the latest exciting book from Cory Seibel. Commencing at 11am Australian Eastern Standard Time (check carefully for your particular time zone) on June 9, this FREE Zoom launch event will include the opportunity to find out more about the book, engage with a number of the number of the contributors and connect with others interested in intergenerational ministry. In addition to a presentation from Cory himself, contributors on the day will include:


► Chris Barnett (AUS)

Tools for Developing Intergenerational Ministry

► Jacolize Becker (NZ)

Intergenerational Sports and Games

► Tim Beilharz (AUS)

Intergenerational Church and Socio-cultural Faith Development

► Tammy Tolman (AUS)

Moving All Ages Toward Life Together

The launch will also include information on a series of Book Groups being set-up for those interested in exploring the content further and implementing the ideas presented.


To register, click here


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To download the flyer,  click here