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This workshop organised in partnership with the Port Philip West Presbytery will explore where and how we can enable cultural gifts in our communities of faith to make worship meaningful and fuller

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the Church is exploring new ways of being God’s life-giving community. As enablers of mission and ministry, lay leaders and ministers are discovering gifts in their community previously hidden, and are developing new ways of worshipping, witnessing and serving.

Unexpected, difficult situations nudge us to seek resources beyond our normal boundaries; to learn from one another, and from those who might have lived through something similar. They also can prod us to look for hidden and untapped gifts from within.

This workshop will explore where and how we can find those hidden treasures in our midst and outside to make worship joyful, meaningful and fuller by engaging with the cultural opportunities and gifts in our congregations and communities.

The workshop will be offered over two days with 2 weeks apart; Wednesday 2nd September 2020 – 9.30am – 1pm and Wednesday 16th September 2020 – 10am -12.30pm.

The first day will be presentations, discussions and explorations. Participants will be given tools to craft an intercultural worship for their congregation to offer in one or both of the following Sundays.

The second day participants will bring experience and feedback from the worship they have offered to share, discuss and explore further resources.

Each ministry leader is encouraged to bring one or more lay leaders from their congregation.

**Due to the present pandemic, the workshop will be offered via Zoom. The program and Zoom link will be sent to participants on registration.

Dates: 2nd September and 16th September 2020

Ticket: $25 (both days)

*Ticket cost includes workshop access for both days and materials

To register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/inclusive-workshop-enabling-cultural-gifts-tickets-115150391922


Devanandan Anandarajan – 0414721015 ([email protected])

Linley Liersch – 0408169882 ([email protected])

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