Sharing our hopes, fears and ideas.
Join via Zoom with others from churches across the state for a time of practical tips, stimulating discussion and mutual encouragement.
It’s FREE, but registration is required!
Make it Messy! will assist those already engaged in Messy Church, churches contemplating beginning a Messy Church and people genuinely curious about the Messy Church phenomenon, take the next step in their Messy Journey.
During our time together there will be ample opportunity to share your hopes, fears and ideas around Messy Church in our current, ever-changing, context. There will also be opportunity to engage with, learn from and be encouraged by a range of experienced Messy Church leaders.
Across the event you will experience a mix of…
- breakout groups
- whole group time
- time for your questions
- extra input from our special guest – Lucy Moore!
Lucy Moore:
Lucy was in the team that started the first Messy Church. She works for BRF as the Messy Church team leader. She is responsible for developing the work of Messy Church nationally and internationally – writing, speaking, reflecting and developing Messy projects. She continues to help lead the local Messy Church in her own church and has written many of the Messy Church books.
See you at Make it Messy!
For tickets, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/make-it-messy-tickets-94746119193