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In light of the recent Victorian lockdown and uncertainty surrounding physical gatherings, the Victorian President’s Roundtable will move online to Zoom.

At this stage, the roundtable will be held twice with a cap of 12 young adults participants. The cap is necessary to facilitate a time of deep listening and sharing. More times may open depending upon interest.


Saturday 19th June, 2021 @ 7.30pm

Sunday 20th June, 2021 @ 7.30pm

Zoom links will be sent out via email to all registered participants.



A time of listening to UCA young adults with the Dr Deidre Palmer, UCA President.


An event for UCA Young Adults (18-25 years old)

The President of the Uniting Church Assembly, Diedre Palmer, invites you to a conversation.

In living out the gospel of Christ, what are you passionate about?
What brings you joy?
What do you hope for?
What are your concerns about the world and our society?
As the Church, how do you think we could respond to these concerns and participate in the transforming mission of God in our world?
What are your hopes for who we are and who we are becoming in the Uniting Church?


I would love to hear your insights on these and other questions.


Come join me for a free-ranging conversation and together let’s be part of the movement of God’s liberating Spirit in the World.


**This is a free event, however registrations are required.


To register, please click here


For further information, please contact:

[email protected] or [email protected]



To download a copy of the flyer, please click here

Picture of Updated flyer in the page President's Roundtable