Tradition with a Future Webinar Series
Thurs 7:30-9:00pm
7 Mar, 21 Mar, 4 April, 18 April, 2 May, 9 May
Let’s make it easy for people to become involved in God’s mission through our churches.
Churches who develop an intentional culture of including and a clear pathway for new people to become involved, can expect:-
– A new sense of energy and excitement within their church.
– New people becoming disciples.
– Expanded missional opportunities.
- More transformed lives.
- Clarity on their Churches future direction.
- All who register will receive a Workbook prior to each session.
This will assist to understand your congregations unique abilities and ways in which you can build on who you presently are and the things you presently do.
All sessions will be recorded and a link will be sent so that anyone who isn’t able to make a particular session will be able to catch up.
To register, click here
Registrations close at 12pm on Thursday 7 March. Please note the Zoom details will be emailed to you on the morning of the first session.

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