An eLM unit for wishing to understand more about the Uniting Church
– and for those needing to meet the Core Competency “Work within the doctrine, ethos and polity of the Uniting Church” for Ministry of Pastor roles and Ministry of Lay Preacher
- an online self-directed study unit with assessment and 4 group tutorials
- offered by Equipping Leadership for Mission (eLM)
- beginning on 30 March 2023, participants will have 4 months to undertake the study
- all group tutorials and assessment are compulsory for those who are undertaking the unit for competency reasons
- those who successfully complete the unit (including tutorials and assessment) will receive a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion
- Cost $40
Tutorial dates (all Zoom):
Introduction and Assessment – Thursday, 30 March, 6:30-8:30pm
History and Theology of the UCA – Thursday, 27 April, 6:30-8:30pm
Life and Witness, Councils and Ministries – Thursday, 18 May, 6:30-8:30pm
Walking with First People, Intercultural relatedness – Thursday, 22 June, 6:30-8:30pm
To register, click here
Registrations close strictly on Friday 25th March.
For further information contact:
Mel Perkins
Lay Leadership Development Coordinator
[email protected]