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Let’s talk about gaming

It seems every news outlet wants to talk about Fortnite, the animated, multi-platform FREE battle-royal game permeating pop culture. This has lifted the lid again on the discussion on role, influence & ethics of video games amongst young people, and Christian young people are not immune.

It’s important that families & communities learn, discuss & evaluate the impact of gaming on all people. Below are a few resources we’ve collected that might help that.

Fuller Youth Institute have a fantastic article – 10 Things Every Parent Should Know About Gaming

The Work Experience Podcast team chatted with Ps Matt Souza, the world’s first gamer/pastor, who pastors GodSquad Church & streams on Twitch. His interview is a fascinating take on engaging gaming culture.

Finally, for those who love graphs, ProCon has collected graphs & infographics exploring the correlation between violent video games & adolescent crime. you might be surprised by what you find

Video Games & Violence Infographics 

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