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Covenant journey explored

As we prepare to mark the 30th anniversary of the Covenant between the UCA and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress on July 10, a resource document from UAICC Tasmania spells out the importance of the journey between First and Second Peoples.

The document is the result of a recent gathering in Tasmania of members of the Walking Together in Covenant committee.

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham, UAICC National Chair Rev Mark Kickett and members of the committee immersed themselves in “deep sharing and conversation”, as part of an important coming together of First and Second Peoples from within the Uniting Church.

“We acknowledged and sensed the presence of the elders, as we talked through significant personal stories around Leprena, and stories of Fanny Cochrane Smith, her faith and her strength in proclaiming and maintaining cultural identity,” David said.

“It was marvellous to have representatives of Tas Congress, Vic Congress, and National Congress together with other members of the Walking Together in Covenant committee at the church that is part of Fanny’s legacy, deeply important to Congress Tasmania.”

Community and Cultural Resource Officer with UAICC Tasmania, Ayla Williams, said the recent gathering showed how First and Second Peoples were embracing the aims of the Covenant.

“This shows how we’re living out the Covenant and embracing cultural allyship, which is all about mutual respect, understanding, and working together across different communities,” Ayla said.

The UAICC Tasmania resource document can be found here


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