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Playgroups promote connection

For many decades now, the value of playgroups in the local community has been identified and appreciated. Hundreds of Christian playgroups are scattered throughout Australia – some meeting in churches, others in local community buildings, others meeting more casually in parks or cafes.

As people talked about wanting to be more intentional in their playgroup as a mission to their local community, a need emerged for some cohesion and networking between these groups. In 2001 a group of people started meeting and praying about how this could happen and develop. In November 2002, the Christian Playgroup Network was formally launched.

We look back with thanksgiving to God for the inspiration and dedication that launched the Christian Playgroup Network and for all the playgroups and churches that have been a part of the network and continue to minister to playgroup families; and we look to the future trusting that God will continue to shape the Christian Playgroup Network for his kingdom purposes.

Connect – Belong – Grow expresses what CPN is about, for churches and their playgroups, and for the children and families who are the reason the Christian Playgroup Network exists. We see this as a promise – what we aim to achieve through the ministry of CPN.

For playgroup families, we see playgroup as a place where they have connected with their local church and where they feel they belong. We want to see families grow into an even deeper sense of belonging – to the church family and to God.

We exist to equip, encourage and enable healthy playgroup ministry in local churches. Journeying together, the CPN seeks to provide support and encouragement as playgroups think, pray and develop ways of making the promise of Connect – Belong – Grow a reality.

We long to see playgroups as flourishing expressions of God’s Kingdom where families find love, grace and acceptance; faith is formed, shared and nurtured; and fullness of life is experienced.

Our actions are motivated by the values of loving compassion, kingdom focus, missional intent, serving churches, and resourcing leaders. The Christian Playgroup Network would love to support you and encourage you as part of our promise to help all CPN members to Connect—Belong—Grow.

Our working principles for our member playgroups are strengthening families, serving with humility and respect, creating and maintaining a safe environment, providing opportunities to experience and respond to God’s love, and demonstrating intentional and strategic action.

We encourage playgroup teams to think, pray, talk and work to make these principles a reality for the families in your playgroup.

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