Home / Presbyteries


The Uniting Church Syn​​od of Victoria and Tasmania is divided into eight presbyteries. The presbyteries have some administrative oversight of the congregations in their region. The list below provides the key contacts for each presbytery.​​

Presbytery Contact person Email address Phone number
Presbytery of Gippsl​and Debbie Bye sec.ucagipps@gmail.com 0408 499 046
​​​Presbytery of Loddon Mallee Katherine Wall Dobson lmpresbytery@lm.victas.uca.org.au (03) 5442 1341
Presbytery of North East Victoria Lorraine Thelfall secretary@northeastvicuca.net.au 0427 214 627
Presbytery of Port Phillip East ​Anne Kim secretary@ucappep.org ​(03) 9558 4710
​​Presbytery of Port Phillip West Heather Loader ​​heather.loader@ppw.victas.uca.org.au 0409 383 583
Presbytery of Tasmania ​Secretary ​tas.office@victas.uca.org.au (​03) 6331 9784​
Presbytery of Western Victoria Helen Wilson helen.wilson@pwv.victas.uca.org.au 0409 827 630
​​Presbytery of Yarra Yarra Ann Williamson pyy.secretary@victas.uca.org.au​ ​(​03) 9857 1003​​

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