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Presbytery of Port Phillip East

The Presbytery of Port Phillip East is part of the Uniting Church in Australia and one of the Presbyteries of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania.

Its area reaches from Port Melbourne to Pakenham and all the way south to Portsea, at the tip of the Mornington Peninsula. Our 70 congregations cover every demographic, from newborns to centenarians and we are proud of our inter-continental mix, which truly represents the multi-cultural flavour of 21st century Australia.

In the past, the Church was a place of refuge and retreat from the world, now our churches are places of welcome, gathering and hospitality, places of community. Places and communities in which you can explore Christian spirituality and a relationship with God, as well as find comfort and friendship with people who live by compassion and integrity every day. People who care about communities and social justice issues, locally, nationally and internationally.

Our partnerships, and social project work, with churches around the world, as well as Uniting Church schools and community agencies in our area, is testament to our global scope and Christian world view.

Have a browse through our new-look website to discover more about our people, our mission, our scenery, our events, our networks, our teachings and, of course, our faith.