
For all official correspondence, including correspondence for the attention of committees, please address it to the Presbytery Secretary in the first instance.

Members of Presbytery may obtain a copy of the Presbytery Directory by emailing the Secretary.

Note: for each of the email addresses below, substitute “@” for the “-at-”.
This is to protect those addresses from spam emails.

Elected Officers

​Chair of Presbytery Rev Bruce Watson ​
​Presbytery Secretary and Administrator ​Heather Loader ​​

0409 383 583

​Presbytery Treasurer Doug Whan
Pastoral Relations Committee
Mr Bruce Missen ​
​Chairperson, Administration, Property & Finance Committee Mr Richard Allen ​
​Chairperson, Mission, Strategy
& Education Committee
Rev Ian Pearse
Reference point,
Intercultural issues
​Rev Temukisa Amituana’i-Vaeluag ​
​Ministerial Representative, Placements Committee ​Rev Narelle Collas
​Lay Representative,
Placements Committee
Mrs Amanda Mullen ​


Ministry Team

Presbytery Minister ​​Rev Narelle Collas
​Presbytery Ministe ​Rev Jeanne Beale (Deacon)
​Administrato ​Heather Loader
​​Mission Development Strategist ​Rev Linley Liersch


Agencies, Schools and Congregations


​UNITINGCARE LENTARA ​415 Camp Road, Broadmeadows or
32 Withers St, Sunshine   P: 9351 3600.
​UNITING CARE GEELONG ​2 Balliang St, Geelong 3215  P: 5222 3293 and
10 Wendover Ave, Norlane 3214  P: 5278 8492
​UNITINGCARE REGEN ​26 Jessie Street, Moreland 3058
P: 9386 2876
P: 9742 6452
​WESLEY CENTRE FOR LIFE ENRICHMENT ​located behind Wesley Church, 100 Yarra Street, Geelong 3220 Tel. 5229 0719 for courses and programs; 5222 4101 for counselling support
​WESLEY FOOTSCRAY OUTREACH ​310 Barkly Street, Footscray 3011
P: 9689 3515
​WESLEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ​154 Nicholson St, Footscray 3011
P: 9687 0033
​WESLEY DO CARE WEST ​Level 1, 154 Nicholson St, Footscray 3011
P: 9687 7742
​WESLEY GILGUNYA ​23 Harding St, Coburg 3058
P: 9354 4944
​WESLEY AGED CARE & HOUSING SERVICES ​41 Hudson St, Coburg 3058 P: 9354 9155
LIFELINE P: 13 11 14



KALKEE ​95 Francis St, Belmont 3215
P: 5243 9566
​MANOR LAKES COMMUNITY ​15 Buffalow Cres, Wyndham Vale 3024
P: 9742 7201
​KINGSVILLE COMMUNITY ​319 Geelong Rd, Kingsville 3012
P: 9680 0400



​AITKEN COLLEGE ​1010 Mickleham Rd, Greenvale 3059
P: 9333 1866
THE GEELONG COLLEGE ​Talbot St, Newtown 3220
P: 5226 3111
P: 9016 2000
​Essendon campus:
59 Raleigh Street, Essendon 3040Keilor East campus: cnr Rachelle & Keilor Rds, Keilor East 3033Moonee Ponds campus:
83 Park St, Moonee Ponds 3039



All worship services held on Sundays unless otherwise stated. Service times in brackets.


​AIREYS INLET (10:30 am) ​Great Ocean Rd, Aireys Inlet 3231
AIRPORT WEST (10:00 am) ​72 Roberts Rd Airport West 3042
​ALTONA MEADOWS-LAVERTON (10am) ​61 Central Avenue, Altona Meadows 3028
​ALTONA (10am) ​Seves St, Altona 3018​​
​ANGLESEA (9am) ​Murch Crescent, Anglesea 3230
​ASCOT VALE (10am) ​60 Maribyrnong Road, Moonee Ponds 3039
​BACCHUS MARSH (9:30am, with children’s ministry every Sunday) ​24 Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh 3340 Tel. (03) 5367 2543
​BARRABOOL, CERES & MORIAC (9:30am) ​Barrabool Church – Barrabool Rd, Barrabool; Ceres Church – cnr Glencairn Rd and Wheatsheaf St, Ceres; Moriac Church – Hendy Main Road, Moriac. Worship services are held on the 1st Sunday at Moriac, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at Barrabool, on the 3rd Sunday at both Moriac and Ceres, and on the 5th Sunday at the Ceres church, all at 9.30 am
​BARWON HEADS (9am) ​Hitchcock Avenue, Barwon Heads 3227
​BELLBRAE (11am) ​School Road, Bellbrae 3228
​BELMONT (1st Sunday 10am Holy Communion, Other Sundays 8:30am and 10am; 1st Wednesday 1:30pm Afternoon Holy Communion and Fellowship) ​Church Street, Belmont 3216
​BROADMEADOWS (9:30am) ​ Scots, 1702 Sydney Rd, Campbellfield
​BRUNSWICK (9:30am) ​Cnr Sydney Rd and Merri St, Brunswick 3056
​BRUNSWICK INDONESIAN CONGREGATION (Services held at Brunswick church)​
​​BRUNSWICK WEST (10am) ​74 Melville Rd, Brunswick West 3055
​CAROLINE SPRINGS, meets at the “Town Well” Melton Highway Sydenham. ​Contact the Rev. Jim Murray for more information (0418 233 475)
​COBURG & MERLYNSTON (9:30 am both congregations) ​Victoria St, Coburg and Orvieto St, Merlynston.
​CORIO-NORLANE (10am) ​4 Wendover Avenue, Norlane 3214, except the 5th Sunday, when the congregation worships at Western Heights Uniting Church (see below).
​CRAIGIEBURN (9:30am) ​ 16 Rayfield Ave, Craigieburn 3064
​CROXTON (9:30am Anglo service; 11:30am Korean service) ​326 St Georges Road, Thornbury 3071
​DAREBIN NORTH WEST (10am) ​399A Murray Rd, Preston 3072
​DRYSDALE (Worship@  9am; 10:45am) ​High St, Drysdale 3222
ESSENDON (St John’s) ​ Cnr Mt Alexander Rd & Buckley St, Essendon 3040

  • 8:30am – a shorter service, including the weekly celebration of Holy Communion
  • 10am – Family worship with KUCA (Children’s ministry) and TUCA (Teenagers’ ministry) available in school terms.
  • In a cycle each month worship is celebrated at 10am on Sundays as follows:
    1st (English/Samoan) Holy Communion;
    2nd (English/Korean);
    3rd (English/Samoan);
    4th (English); and on any 5th Sunday worship is conducted in three languages – English, Samoan and Korean – with the aid of a data projector.
  • 12noon – Samoan language service (2nd and 4th Sundays)
  • 12:30pm – Korean language service (1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays)
​ESSENDON NORTH (10am) ​132 Keilor Rd, Essendon North 3041
​GANNAWARRA MISSION CENTRE. FOOTSCRAY 310 Barkly St, Footscray 3011​St Andrew’s (Anglo service 10:15am and Vietnamese service at 11:30am)  Dinka (Sudanese) service at St Andrew’s at 2pm
​GEELONG EAST (9:30am) ​Cnr Ormond & Boundary Rds, Geelong East 3219
​GEELONG (St Andrew’s) (11am) ​Sydney Parade, Geelong 3220
  • ​Wesley (9 am and 10.45 am)
    100 Yarra St, Geelong 3220
  • Geelong South (9.30 am)
    Moorabool St, Geelong 3220
​GISBORNE (9:30am) ​23 Brantome St, Gisborne 3427
​GLADSTONE PARK (9:30am) ​Cnr Carrick Drive & Elmhurst Rd, Gladstone Pk 3043
​GLENROY (9am) Wheatsheaf Rd, Glenroy 3046
​GREENVALE (Providence Road Uniting Church) (10am) ​Cnr Providence Rd & Carrol Lane, Greenvale 3059
GROVEDALE (9:30am) ​Reserve Rd, Grovedale 3216
​HIGHTON (St Luke’s) ​174 Barrabool Rd, Highton 3216 – Kids’ Church 9.30 am Sunday, Monthly mid-week service(traditional) 2pm on 2nd Thursday of each month (contact Pam 52439575), House Church 7 pm on 3rd Sunday every month (contact Carole 52418447).
​HOPPERS CROSSING (10am) ​235 Derrimut Rd, Hoppers Crossing 3029
KEILOR (St Stephen’s)
Cnr Church & Flora Sts, Keilor 3036
​KEILOR EAST-AIRPORT WEST ​Airport West Cnr Glenys Ave & Roberts Rd, Airport West 3042
​KYNETON, MIA MIA, BARFOLD, SUTTON GRANCE, METCALFE ​​(Contact the Rev. Phil Lyles for details: 5422 1271)
​LANCEFIELD (10:30 am) ​High Street, Lancefield 3435
LARA (9am) Flinders Avenue, Lara 3212
LEOPOLD (11am) ​Bellarine Highway, Leopold 3224
LORNE (Anglican-Uniting Church Joint Congregation) (9:30 am) ​ Ocean Road, Lorne 3232
MELTON (8am, 9:45am, 7pm) Yuille Street, Melton 3337
​MT MACEDON (10:30am) 683 Mt Macedon Road, Mt Macedon
NEWINGTON (9am except 3rd Sunday 11am), ​Wallington Road, Wallington
​NEWTOWN (Noble St) (10am) ​31 Noble Street, Newtown 3220
​NEWTOWN (St David’s) (10am) ​​Cnr Aphrasia & Talbot Sts, Newtown 3220
P: 0412 279 580
​OCEAN GROVE (10:30 am) ​The Parade, Ocean Grove 3226
​PARWAN (11:15 am 2nd and 4th Sundays except January) ​Nerowie Rd (also known as Rowsley-Exford Rd), off Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Rd, Parwan South
​PASCOE VALE (10:30am) ​Kent Road 9.15am & Pascoe Vale South (Cumberland Road)
PENTLAND HILLS (1st & 3rd Sundays, 2pm) Pentland Hills Road, Myrniong
  • Portarlington (9am) Newcombe St, Portarlington 3223
  • St Leonards (7pm Summer, 5pm Winter, 2nd Sunday 8am combined with the Anglican congregation) Dudley Parade, St Leonards 3223
​QUEENSCLIFF-POINT LONSDALE (10am) ​Hesse Street, Queenscliff. A 6 pm dinner, followed by a 7 pm service on Wednesdays is held at the Queenscliff church.
​RIDDELLS CREEK (9am) ​Sutherlands Rd, Riddells Creek
​ROMSEY (9am) ​25 Pohlman St, Romsey
ST ALBANS ​​Cnr East Esplanade & Elaine Street, St Albans 3021
​ST ALBANS PARK / WHITTINGTON / BREAKWATER (9:30am) ​276 Wilsons Road, St Albans Park 3219
SEDDON (9am) Cnr Mackay & Gamon Sts, Seddon 3011
STRATHMORE (9:45am) ​Cnr The Crossway & Upland Road, Strathmore 3041
​SUNBURY (9:30am) Brook Street, Sunbury 3429
SUNSHINE (10:30am) ​Cnr Devonshire Rd & Withers St, Sunshine 3020
TORQUAY (9:30am) Anderson Street, Torquay 3228
TYLDEN (9am) ​Trentham Road, Tylden 3444
WERRIBEE (Anglo service at 9.30 am, 5 pm fortnightly, Korean service 11.30 am) ​Cnr Duncans Rd & Synott St, Werribee 3030
​WESTERN HEIGHTS (10am each Sunday, 8:45am 1st Sunday, 7pm “Why Worship” 4th Sunday) ​31 Douglass St, Herne Hill 3218
​WILLIAMSTOWN [Electra Street] (10am Sundays,
1:30pm 1st Wednesday)
Cnr Electra & Pasco Sts, Williamstown 3016
WILLIAMSTOWN [St Stephen’s] (9:30am) 179 Melbourne Road, Williamstown 3016
 WINCHELSEA (9:30am) Hesse Street, Winchelsea
YARRAVILLE (Pilgrim Church) (10am) ​Bayview Road, Yarraville 3013
​WALLAN (9am) ​Wellington St, Wallan 3756
WOODEND (10:30am) ​Forest Street, Woodend 3442