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Resources for small groups

What resources are available for faith discussions? Sandy Brodine and Kelly Woods have collated a list to get us started.

There is an impressive array of faith resources available. We will keep adding to this list periodically, so don’t forget to check back and see what we’ve added.

Lectionary and Seasonal Resources 

  • Intergen produces weekly resources for the RCL, often written by UCA Ministers. www.intergen.org.au  
  • Sparkhouse have a number of seasonal resources.  

Video-based resources: 

  • The Bible Project has little videos that are not just scripture overviews, but look at important topics and ideas. Also great for overviews of different books of the bible. These are presented in Comic format. 
  • Holy Moly series offer good videos to help break down passages.


  • The Wayfinding Bible uses three ‘tracks’ where each follows a specific story arc and gets progressively more detailed, so depending on the group of people may change which track to follow. There are also discussion series available on their website.  
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