Picture of David clode sem6i8gj7d0 unsplash in the page Finding grace in the little things

Finding grace in the little things

By Andrew Humphries / June 11, 2020

Lockdown has forced us to reevaluate many of our rusted on thoughts and beliefs. For Ellaine Downie, that has meant saying thank you in a way she didn’t think she could.

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Picture of March month e1587089974411 in the page Now I understand what Lent is all about

Now I understand what Lent is all about

By Ellaine Downie / April 17, 2020

Ellaine Downie has always resisted participating in the spiritually nourishing sacrifices that precede Easter. But this year is different. “Unwillingly, I am experiencing what the disciples must have felt,” she says.

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