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NAIDOC 2020 resources

Picture of Img 4383 in the page NAIDOC 2020 resources

Below is a ’boutique’ list of resources to engage young people in conversation around the significant of NAIDOC week. As always, if you think something is missing, please get in touch! The NAIDOC website seems a good place to start…

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A Framework for Online Intergen Worship

Picture of Video conference 5167472 1920 1000x563 acf cropped 1000x563 1 in the page A Framework for Online Intergen Worship

In Victoria, churches have been gathering online in various ways for six months, and the end of this season remains beyond the horizon. Digital church gatherings may continue to be part of our communities going forward, as many have discovered…

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Are your young people ‘rooted?’

Picture of Rooted in the church in the page Are your young people 'rooted?'

“What helps the seeds of faith in young people root, grow and flourish?” In November 2016 the Church of England released a research report exploring what factors support young people maintain their faith throughout adolescence. The report follows similar international…

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Speak your voice on Climate Change

Picture of Mar19 26 510838112 in the page Speak your voice on Climate Change

The Vic/Tas Synod is running a consultation on how the church should continue to respond to the issue of Climate Change. This page is designed to ensure it is as easy as possible for young voices to be heard as…

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Congratulations – you’re a youth pastor!

Picture of 4549936 0 in the page Congratulations - you're a youth pastor!

Attended a baptism? Celebrated a confirmation? Congratulations, you’re a youth pastor. Let’s get to work. Rather than outsource the spiritual formation of young people to certain individuals, whether they be employed or volunteer, the Uniting Church wisely instructs all members…

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Seeking & Sharing Joy

Picture of Download in the page Seeking & Sharing Joy

Renowned theologian & Yale Professor Miroslav Volf recently commissioned the project to determine a Theology of Joy and the Good Life. For more information, you can read Professor Volf’s reflections on the ABC Religion & Ethics website. Notably, this project…

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Synchronous Hybrid Virtual Worship

Picture of Unnamed in the page Synchronous Hybrid Virtual Worship

Covid-19 restrictions saw worship leaders & Ministers embark on a steep learning curve to provide online worship experiences. Over time, skills were honed and technologies tweaked. Now, as restrictions begin to ease, the real opportunity is before us, and it…

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2037 vision

Picture of Picture1 in the page 2037 vision

I’ve always loved anniversary weekend in the Uniting Church. This year, we celebrate 43 years since union. You should check out Dr Deidre Palmer’s President’s Message. As I’m only 35, I didn’t live through the union experience. I have no…

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Changing Church Culture

Picture of Young leaders in the page Changing Church Culture

For many years, faithful folk have sought to address the weaknesses of our church, primarily through education, regulation and mission studies. We lament the church doesn’t always reflect God’s vision for a redeemed humanity. Our common ‘church culture’ reveals that…

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To the church post-COVID-19

Picture of Dear church in the page To the church post-COVID-19

Dear church, I wanted to write to you all on this special day, as we emerge from that wilderness experience. The virus has been defeated, quarantines have been lifted, and our playgrounds are once again buzzing. Looking back, I remember…

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