By Andrew Humphries
In his five years as Minister at Ringwood Uniting Church, Rev Lucas Taylor has seen numerous examples of the congregation’s commitment to missional work.
Yet it’s something that took place before he arrived at Ringwood that perfectly captures the congregation’s support for the ethos of Faithful Giving.
“A number of years ago, following a higher than expected return on money invested, congregation members devised a project that meant every member, including children, was given a sum of money,” Lucas says.
“Each member was told to go and do something good with that money and then come back and tell the congregation what it was that they did and what they learned from the experience.
“So it was a case of, ‘okay you’ve got an idea for something to do in the community, well you’ve now got the financial resources to go and do it’.
“It’s a project that is still talked about by congregation members more than a decade later, particularly around how young people were trusted to participate and how their ideas were encouraged.
“It was so successful that, following another recent healthier than expected investment return, we’re going to do it again.”
Lucas offers two more projects as examples of the congregation’s commitment to Faithful Giving.
“A coffee machine was purchased after a number of congregation members pooled the money given to them to enable us to provide a resource for hospitality for our church, and for groups that use our church,” he says.
“On the bench next to the coffee machine is a piggybank, which is used for donations from people ahead of Christmas.
“This money is collected and given to the young people of the congregation to purchase toys which are donated and distributed by our local Uniting Vic.Tas office.
“We let the young people roam Toyworld choosing the presents they would like to give to families in our community on behalf of their local Uniting Church.
“When they realise what we are doing, the business often supports us with a large discount on the toys purchased.”

Ringwood Uniting Church members are strong supporters of UnitingWorld and the wonderful work it does throughout the world.
For Lucas, the projects serve as a reminder of what any congregation can achieve when its members recognise that Faithful Giving is about doing good work with available financial resources and, in the process, enriching the world around them.
“It’s an extraordinarily generous congregation, and one which recognises that it has been blessed because of some financial decisions that have left a wonderful legacy,” he says.
“The sale of property in the past has been invested wisely and proceeds from that have always been clearly earmarked and celebrated as not just being for the maintenance and survival of the congregation, but also for participating in and supporting ministry and mission in the wider church and community.”
Lucas hopes the work of congregations like Ringwood can send a wider message around what is possible when a congregation embraces Faithful Giving.
“One of the things that I have learnt from this congregation and have appreciated is how they place, hold and steward resources,” he says.
“Their attitude is ‘hey, our resources are here not just for our own sustenance, they are here for a purpose, and that’s ministry and mission’.
“I think it’s also characterised by a positive attitude to partnership with the wider church.”
Lucas says it’s the sort of attitude that means the congregation has been a strong supporter of UnitingWorld and Uniting Vic.Tas.
“We want to listen to the voices of people within these organisations and contribute to and partner with them as best we can,” he says.
“For example, because of our history of giving we have developed a very good relationship with UnitingWorld personnel and we quite often meet with them to hear about what projects we might be able to support.”
The congregation has also shown a deep commitment to improvements in mental health, as a long-time supporter of the Yarra Yarra Presbytery’s mental health ministry.
Lucas says it’s an honour to be the Minister at such a generous church.
“I’m very proud to be part of such a giving congregation,” he says.
“I feel like they continue to teach me a great deal about giving, and I have gained a great deal from their approach to money and stewardship,” he says.
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