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Exploring the Old Testament

An introductory online unit for anyone

who wants to know more

about the Old Testament.


Exploring the Old Testament has been created around the Worship and Preaching Competencies for Biblical studies from the “Assembly Standards and Competencies for the Formation and Education for the Specified Ministry of Lay Preacher”. So, those training for the ministry of Lay Preaching, and those needing to undertake training for the Worship and Preaching Competencies for Pastors (as these are the same), can be assured they are receiving training to help them meet these competencies.


However, Exploring the Old Testament was also written and developed to encourage faith and discipleship formation. So, it is also a unit for:

  • Worship leaders
  • people undertaking a Period of Discernment
  • Lay Preachers looking for some continuing education
  • people who would like to explore the Old Testament as a way of deepening their faith and relationship with God and
  • anyone just generally interested in knowing more about the Old Testament.


Exploring the Old Testament covers:

  • an introduction to interpreting the Scripture
  • an introduction to the world of the Old Testament
  • a brief introduction to all the Old Testament books
  • an introduction to the theological themes of the Old Testament


Exploring the Old Testament is offered through access to online learning materials and a Zoom class. It will be offered again in 2026.


Internet not great at home? The unit is also designed so that the base material can be downloaded and saved to your computer. Others interested in learning in your Presbytery? Why don’t you learn together – and download your learning material to work on at home.



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